Hadi Mohammade
@hadizr on WordPress.org
- Member Since: May 4th, 2016
- Job Title: Full stack developer
Contribution History
Hadi Mohammade’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3213051] to Plugins SVN:
Improved -
Committed [3213047] to Plugins SVN:
Improved readme -
Committed [3213046] to Plugins SVN:
Update Readme -
Committed [3213044] to Plugins SVN:
Added new version to trunk 1.3.0 -
Committed [3213043] to Plugins SVN:
Added new tag folder 1.3.0 -
Committed [3213042] to Plugins SVN:
Added new assets -
Committed [3208017] to Plugins SVN:
Change version of trunk -
Committed [3204964] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [3204960] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme -
Committed [3204957] to Plugins SVN:
Login form added -
Committed [3124752] to Plugins SVN:
Improved Readme file -
Committed [3122224] to Plugins SVN:
Improved Readme file -
Committed [3122217] to Plugins SVN:
Improved Readme file -
Committed [3122216] to Plugins SVN:
Improved Readme file -
Committed [3122181] to Plugins SVN:
Added Email log feature -
Committed [3081947] to Plugins SVN:
Add banner -
Committed [3081945] to Plugins SVN:
Added Icon -
Committed [3081942] to Plugins SVN:
Added Banner -
Committed [3081813] to Plugins SVN:
First version released -
Committed [3081806] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first commit to trunks -
Committed [3081796] to Plugins SVN:
Add assets -
Suggested 50 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
CP24 WP Tools
Active Installs: Less than 10