Guest Suite
@guestapp on
- Member Since: May 6th, 2014
- Website:
- Employer: Guest Suite
Committed [3238593] to Plugins SVN:
Updating readme/assets from GitHub -
Committed [3237817] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.2 from GitHub -
Committed [3235290] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.1 from GitHub -
Committed [3234706] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.2.0 from GitHub -
Committed [3233690] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.1.0 from GitHub -
Committed [3203668] to Plugins SVN:
Updating readme/assets from GitHub -
Committed [3202888] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.0.1 from GitHub -
Committed [3198976] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 2.0.0 from GitHub -
Committed [3105239] to Plugins SVN:
Fix PHP8.2 deprecation and bump WP version compatibility -
Committed [2932163] to Plugins SVN:
Handle redirections between source API versions -
Committed [2851740] to Plugins SVN:
add rich snippet ratingValue itemprop -
Committed [2851215] to Plugins SVN:
fix rich snippet structured data -
Committed [2850978] to Plugins SVN:
fix review modification_date error -
Committed [2834594] to Plugins SVN:
Fix permission bug -
Committed [2834584] to Plugins SVN:
Display review modification date -
Committed [2644037] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix -
Committed [2643442] to Plugins SVN:
Updated translations -
Committed [2630581] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix -
Committed [2629890] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix -
Committed [2586008] to Plugins SVN:
Fix scrolling issue -
Committed [2578099] to Plugins SVN:
Gutemberg compatibility -
Committed [2552296] to Plugins SVN:
Update legal sentence. -
Committed [2552294] to Plugins SVN:
Update legal sentence. -
Committed [2552293] to Plugins SVN:
Remove repository tag. -
Committed [2552290] to Plugins SVN:
Remove tag 1.4.15 -
Committed [2552210] to Plugins SVN:
Fix legal sentence & translations -
Committed [2552209] to Plugins SVN:
remove tag 1.4.15 -
Committed [2552179] to Plugins SVN:
Fix legal text. -
Committed [2552149] to Plugins SVN:
Fix legal sentence -
Committed [2552140] to Plugins SVN:
Fix legal sentence -
Committed [2550297] to Plugins SVN:
Replace 150 max reviews by 2000 -
Committed [2510851] to Plugins SVN:
Fix image questionmark.png -
Committed [2510845] to Plugins SVN:
Fix image questionmark.png -
Committed [2483608] to Plugins SVN:
Replace meta tags by microdata -
Committed [2435527] to Plugins SVN:
display public responses -
Committed [2320287] to Plugins SVN:
add rating explanation tooltip -
Committed [2299402] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed uninstall bug and updated API Url -
Committed [2268051] to Plugins SVN:
API host update -
Committed [2239936] to Plugins SVN:
Fix UI -
Committed [2238895] to Plugins SVN:
Warning flag -
Committed [2232112] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix (on displaying other languages reviews) -
Committed [2228979] to Plugins SVN:
UI fixes -
Committed [2227191] to Plugins SVN:
fix translations -
Committed [2227046] to Plugins SVN:
MAJ lien confiance -
Committed [2161234] to Plugins SVN:
Traductions espagnoles -
Committed [2115297] to Plugins SVN:
tagged 1.4.0 -
Committed [1826815] to Plugins SVN:
Fix bugs and add publication and experience date for AFNOR -
Committed [1795731] to Plugins SVN:
Add AFNOR certification on widget -
Committed [1771316] to Plugins SVN:
Ajout d'une option pour afficher les réponses aux avis -
Committed [1755274] to Plugins SVN:
Add assets and API limit