Posted a reply to AUTH failed: ERR Client sent AUTH but no password is set, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I found the redis status page at network admin. /wp-admin/network/settings.php?page=redis-cache&diagnostics=1 With that I was able… -
Created a topic, AUTH failed: ERR Client sent AUTH but no password is set, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I get this error: Predis\Connection\ConnectionExcepti… -
Wrote a new post, Re-activating Swahili, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi! We're building a global finance portal and we started a version in Swahili today.… -
Created a topic, Adds some nonsense js tracking, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This plugin adds some extra JS loaded from sharethis. … -
Created ticket #30241 on Core Trac:
302 redirect loop because of do_action( 'setup_theme' );