@grafeon on
- Member Since: July 3rd, 2017
Contribution History
grafeon’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to ERROR: key not found!, on the site Forums:
I do not really know why but wordpress seems to be restricting function get_password_reset_key() to… -
Posted a reply to ERROR: key not found!, on the site Forums:
So I went digging, found the code resulting in this error message and found out… -
Created a topic, ERROR: key not found!, on the site Forums:
Sadly, the plugin does not work. I have installed PMPr… -
Committed [2050147] to Plugins SVN:
Aby nám nenadávali za importovanie knižníc z iných webov, tak sme ju ... -
Committed [2050146] to Plugins SVN:
Pre potreby nového messaging odstránené -
Committed [2050144] to Plugins SVN:
Zapracované zrkadlenie odoberateľov webu aj na materský web ... -
Committed [2050143] to Plugins SVN:
Service Worker potrebuje vlastnú funkčnú verziu firebase, aby mohol ... -
Committed [2050142] to Plugins SVN:
Nový firebase obsahuje možnosť WP byť v akejkoľvek podložke a plugin ... -
Committed [2050141] to Plugins SVN:
Robenie priestoru pre novú verziu -
Committed [2050140] to Plugins SVN:
Potreba aj nového messaging-sw -
Committed [2050139] to Plugins SVN:
Robenie priestoru pre novú verziu -
Committed [2050138] to Plugins SVN:
Prepracovaná registrácia SW, aby mohol WP fungovať v akejkoľvek podložke. -
Committed [2050137] to Plugins SVN:
Priestor pre novú verziu -
Committed [2016938] to Plugins SVN:
Nový súbor s novou cestou -
Committed [2016937] to Plugins SVN:
Súbor premenovaný -
Committed [2016936] to Plugins SVN:
Nový súbor s novou cestou -
Committed [2016935] to Plugins SVN:
Súbor má zlú cestu k js súboru -
Committed [1989222] to Plugins SVN:
Icon SVG -
Committed [1989219] to Plugins SVN:
Icon 128x128px -
Committed [1989218] to Plugins SVN:
Icon 256x256px -
Committed [1989204] to Plugins SVN:
Submiting 1.0 version -
Committed [1989203] to Plugins SVN:
Remove 1.0 folder -
Committed [1989202] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0
Active Installs: Less than 10