@gotour on
- Member Since: January 2nd, 2019
Contribution History
gotour’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Visualizzare scelta fattura/ricevuta nel riepilogo ordine, on the site Forums:
Se volessi aggiungere questo ulteriore riferimento all'interno del riepilogo, ha da fornire qualche suggerimento su… -
Created a topic, Visualizzare scelta fattura/ricevuta nel riepilogo ordine, on the site Forums:
Buonasera, attualmente per vedere se l'utente abbia sc… -
Posted a reply to Simple Filters of Categories not displayed, on the site Forums:
Thanks, i have sent a pm messagge. Please let me know, i am very interested… -
Posted a reply to Simple Filters of Categories not displayed, on the site Forums:
I'm using widget for Woocommerce Shop Sidebar. Will work only on Pro Version ? Thanks -
Created a topic, Simple Filters of Categories not displayed, on the site Forums:
Hi, i’m tryng the free version before purchase the pro… -
Posted a reply to Deleted Plugin: WordPress no longer sends any emails NEVER !, on the site Forums:
Hi, finally i was able to solve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. The problem… -
Posted a reply to Deleted Plugin: WordPress no longer sends any emails NEVER !, on the site Forums:
Hi, thanks for your reply. Now i have Deactivate must-use plugin and uncheck all options… -
Created a topic, Deleted Plugin: WordPress no longer sends any emails NEVER !, on the site Forums:
Unfortunately I have a very serious problem caused by … -
Created a topic, billing state – mandatory in a dynamic way, on the site Forums:
Hello, how to disable and not make the select billing_… -
Posted a reply to Download Mp3, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thanks for your support. I have changed to "No", but this not solve the… -
Created a topic, Download Mp3, on the site Forums:
Hi, i'm trying your free version to allow user to down… -
Created a topic, Rendere obbligatoria solo la fatturazione, on the site Forums:
Buongiorno, vorremmo rendere obbligatoria solo la fatt… -
Created a topic, Shipping costs updated, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the plugin. But I noticed a problem, if I u… -
Posted a reply to Campo obbligatorio “PEC o Codice identificativo” – Bug?, on the site Forums:
ok, quindi passando alla versione Plus, il controllo "principale" è cliente privato o selezionano… -
Created a topic, Campo obbligatorio “PEC o Codice identificativo” – Bug?, on the site Forums:
Buonasera, sto valutando la versione free prima di pot…