@glaswr on
- Member Since: June 2nd, 2015
- Location: Russia
Contribution History
Glaswr’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1435255] to Plugins SVN:
edit index.php -
Committed [1426258] to Plugins SVN:
add screen + edit readme.txt -
Committed [1412700] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin v 1.1 -
Committed [1272423] to Plugins SVN:
add info -
Committed [1272422] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot -
Committed [1272420] to Plugins SVN:
Rename Author -
Committed [1173317] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173314] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173311] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173310] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173309] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173306] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173304] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description file -
Committed [1173302] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description 2 -
Committed [1173298] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173292] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173290] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173288] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173287] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173286] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173285] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173283] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173282] to Plugins SVN:
tagging -
Committed [1173280] to Plugins SVN:
changing the description -
Committed [1173273] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Committed [1173211] to Plugins SVN:
add plugin
WP Russian Horoscope
Active Installs: 30+
WI Games Shortcode
Active Installs: 10+