@gillesken on
- Member Since: May 14th, 2020
Contribution History
gillesken’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, No payment methods showing, on the site Forums:
Hi, i'm using the Translatepress plugin. When i bro… -
Created a topic, No payment methods showing, on the site Forums:
Hi, when i look at the checkout in the default languag… -
Created a topic, Woocommerce sale badge hides menu, on the site Forums:
Hello, the sale badges on products is showing before … -
Created a topic, Gift card not working, on the site Forums:
Hello, gift card codes are not working on my site. Whe… -
Posted a reply to Yellow highlight, on the site Forums:
Thanks! -
Created a topic, Yellow highlight, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to remove the yellow highlight on a sal… -
Created a topic, Lange laadtijd, on the site Support forums:
Mijn website heeft een zeer lange laadtijd. Ik heb ree… -
Created a topic, Fetch token, on the site Forums:
Hello, when i click on fetch token, this code shows u… -
Posted a reply to Variation price sale, on the site Forums:
Also, i use a plugin for discount. When i set a sale price on the… -
Created a topic, Variation price sale, on the site Forums:
Hello, i have a sale on my website, and the price is … -
Posted a reply to Dropdown, on the site Forums:
Is there a solution for this problem? Thanks! Best regards -
Created a topic, Dropdown, on the site Forums:
Dear, i have a dropdown on my website, but the cross … -
Posted a reply to User registration, on the site Forums:
I already found out myself. Best regards -
Created a topic, Mega menu, on the site Forums:
Dear, When i visit my website on a tablet, the mega m… -
Created a topic, User registration, on the site Forums:
Dear, why is there no registration field showing on m… -
Posted a reply to Translate, on the site Forums:
I already did this with LocoTranslate but it doesn't work. Thanks! -
Created a topic, Translate, on the site Forums:
Hello, i want to translate some texts on my cart en ch… -
Posted a reply to Translate, on the site Forums:
Well, woocommerce is already translated. All the other text is in the good language. When… -
Created a topic, Translate, on the site Forums:
Hello, i want to translate some texts on my cart en ch… -
Posted a reply to Tax not calculating correctky, on the site Forums:
Indeed, my mistake. Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Tax not calculating correctky, on the site Forums:
Hi, Website Printscreen Printscreen Thanks in advance! -
Created a topic, Tax not calculating correctky, on the site Forums:
The tax is not calculating correctly. Neither in the w… -
Created a topic, Build homepage, on the site Forums:
Dear, i don't get how to build the homepage. How do i… -
Posted a reply to Order picking verification, on the site Forums:
This is very interesting! Thanks! -
Created a topic, Order picking verification, on the site Forums:
Hi, I would like to know if you are planning to add a… -
Posted a reply to Comma behind product category, on the site Forums:
Hello, i checked the translations for Belgium (Dutch) but there is no comma in the… -
Posted a reply to Social media link opening in new tab, on the site Forums:
Printscreen I want it to be in on of the red zones. Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Social media link opening in new tab, on the site Forums:
Is there any other way to set the icons in the header? Thanks!! -
Posted a reply to Comma behind product category, on the site Forums:
Screenshot You see “Categorie,” but i want that comma to dissapear. Site Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Social media link opening in new tab, on the site Forums:
Unfortunate, but no problem. Thanks! -
Created a topic, Social media link opening in new tab, on the site Forums:
I want the link to be opened in the same tab. Now it o… -
Created a topic, Translate, on the site Forums:
How can I translate the texts showed on my website in … -
Created a topic, Comma behind product category, on the site Forums:
If I go to a product page, the product categorie is di… -
Posted a reply to Show product title under picture, on the site Forums:
What i mean is, i want the products to be showed like they are on… -
Created a topic, Show product title under picture, on the site Forums:
Dear, Is it possible to change the layout of a produc… -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Thanks, it worked! -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Well, it worked! But suddenly, you did understand wrong what i meant. What i want… -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
I did this, but the text is still not on one line. Thanks! Best regards -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Hello, .custom-logo { height: 153px; max-height: 240px; max-width: 240px; width: 240px; } This code is… -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Hey, i tried this but it's not working. The website is . -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Also, can i set the tagline on one line? Now it is too long and… -
Posted a reply to Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
I tried this but it is still not good quality. Maybe the reason also is… -
Posted a reply to Green in header, on the site Forums:
Thanks! it worked! -
Created a topic, Cropped logo, on the site Forums:
Hello, why is the logo in the header cropped? I cant … -
Created a topic, Green in header, on the site Forums:
Hello, i'm using the VW Kids Theme. I changed the hea…