Marco Giannini
@gianemi2 on
- Member Since: February 23rd, 2017
- Location: Livorno
- Website:
Contribution History
Marco Giannini’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Created a topic, Worst support I ever seen, on the site Forums:
I have a problem with exit intent popup. Using this pl… -
Posted a reply to Bad directory name., on the site Forums:
ATM is not on support this function. Contact me on my mail for more info.… -
Posted a reply to Bad directory name., on the site Forums:
Hi, there’s no way to set the root directory sitemap at the moment. I’m sorry… -
Posted a reply to Wp authenticate user on login, on the site Forums:
add_filter('wp_authenticate_user', 'check_user_status',10,2); function check_user_status ($user, $password) { $user_id = $user->data->ID; //Controllo se l'utente è bloccato… -
Created a topic, Wp authenticate user on login, on the site Forums:
Hi, thanks for this plugin. It helps me in a heavy hei… -
Committed [1874558] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 2.0.6 -
Posted a reply to Tempo aggiornamento plugin da SVN, on the site Forum Italiano:
Ottimo, effettuando un ulteriore commit tutto è andato come previsto. Grazie mille. -
Committed [1870929] to Plugins SVN:
Commit -
Committed [1870927] to Plugins SVN:
Updated stable readme -
Committed [1870924] to Plugins SVN:
Updated trunk -
Committed [1870922] to Plugins SVN:
Removed trunk -
Created a topic, Tempo aggiornamento plugin da SVN, on the site Forum Italiano:
Buonasera a tutti, ho effettuato un update molto impo… -
Committed [1869997] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.5 -
Committed [1869964] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.3 -
Committed [1869949] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.3 -
Committed [1868191] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.3 -
Posted a reply to Tab in post type non funzionanti, on the site Forums:
Ciao @andreagilfone, assolutamente no. Il problema non era del suo sito. Il plugin attualmente prendeva… -
Posted a reply to Tab in post type non funzionanti, on the site Forums:
Ciao @andreagilfone, mi dispiace leggere che stai avendo problemi con la sitemap. Potresti contattarmi alla… -
Committed [1861096] to Plugins SVN:
updated trunk -
Committed [1861095] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.2 -
Committed [1861067] to Plugins SVN:
Trunk is now up to date -
Committed [1861063] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.1 to resolve a little bug -
Committed [1861056] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0.1 to resolve a little bug -
Committed [1861052] to Plugins SVN:
Working copy -
Committed [1861049] to Plugins SVN:
Old version of trunk -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglot Team,, on the site Translate WordPress:
There's a problem with that workspace. I forgot which mail I've used. Could you read… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglot Team,, on the site Translate WordPress:
Thanks @aliceorru, What's the Slack workspace? -
Wrote a new post, Hello Polyglot Team,, on the site Translate WordPress:
I'm the plugin author of XML Multilanguage Sitemap Generator. I need help in confirm actual… -
Committed [1860201] to Plugins SVN:
Changed screenshot-1 -
Committed [1860200] to Plugins SVN:
Changed screenshot-1 -
Committed [1859840] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0 -
Committed [1859770] to Plugins SVN:
deleted atm -
Committed [1859768] to Plugins SVN:
Removed private file -
Committed [1859767] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0 -
Committed [1859765] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 2.0 -
Committed [1854145] to Plugins SVN:
update logo -
Committed [1854016] to Plugins SVN:
deleted private file -
Committed [1854013] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 beta tests -
Posted a reply to WP Multilang support?, on the site Forums:
I'm thinking about it. Thanks for support! -
Created a topic, Multilanguage sitemap, on the site Forums:
Hi Polylang team, Im sorry to write a support topic fo… -
Posted a reply to Inserire automaticamente immagini in sitemap, on the site Forums:
Ciao @andreagilfone, ti rispondo in ordine. Al momento non c'è alcun modo di inserire le… -
Committed [1726031] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 1.5.0 -
Committed [1724192] to Plugins SVN:
update to 1.4.9 -
Posted a reply to Posts not appearing in polylang-enabled multilanguage site, on the site Forums:
Hi Jason, thanks for choosing my plugin. I'm sorry for this issue. Can you send… -
Committed [1697531] to Plugins SVN:
updated -
Posted a reply to Tag changefreq con warning, on the site Forums:
Buongiorno @tato86. Ti prego di scrivermi via email le credenziali del sito e gli accessi… -
Posted a reply to Minor Bug wpml, on the site Forums:
Ciao e grazie mille della soluzione. Ho appena inserito la tua modifica. Nella prossima versione… -
Committed [1694446] to Plugins SVN:
Updated -
Committed [1694441] to Plugins SVN:
Update to 1.4.7 -
Posted a reply to Tag changefreq con warning, on the site Forums:
Ok. Provvederò ad esaminare il codice appena ne avrò la possibilità. Fino al prossimo Martedì…
Hreflang for polylang
Active Installs: 100+