@gerdneumann on, @gerd.neumann on Slack
- Member Since: May 29th, 2015
Contribution History
gerd.neumann’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Created a topic, Did the shop, on the site Forums:
I needed this to export all woocommerce customers usin… -
Created a topic, Festlegung des Steuersatzes entsprechend Produktart statt je Einzelprodukt, on the site Forums:
Hallo, ich habe… -
Created a topic, CSV per Mail automatisch versenden, on the site Forums:
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit fürs feste Intervall den CSV … -
Created a topic, Not tested warning at plugin main page, on the site Forums:
Just a heads-up that at the top of https://wordpress.o… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: class-pr-dhl-wc-order-paket.php:805, on the site Forums:
Hi @abdalsalaam I am just the admin not the daily shopmanager who interacts with the… -
Posted a reply to Is it ok to change the look/styling of the widget with CSS, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the info. I think i then rather refrain from the idea of styling… -
Created a topic, Is it ok to change the look/styling of the widget with CSS, on the site Forums:
The hcaptcha checkbox has a different look compared to… -
Created a topic, Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: class-pr-dhl-wc-order-paket.php:805, on the site Forums:
We get these error messages in our error log. I guess … -
Created a topic, Quick and useful, on the site Forums:
Really useful. I used it together with the website "On… -
Created a topic, Using it for one year now, on the site Forums:
We are using it for 1 year now. Works great -
Posted a reply to Subscription products not listed in Merchant > Products – add manually?, on the site Forums:
It is a monthly subscription. We use WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin for our non-software subscription product.… -
Posted a reply to Spam generator for jetpack and woocommerce, on the site Forums:
Same here. I added a support thread about it at I have never opted… -
Created a topic, Why am I getting Mails from Jetpack after installing just this plugin?, on the site Forums:
As others have written in… -
Created a topic, Subscription products not listed in Merchant > Products – add manually?, on the site Forums:
Hi, is it a feature or a bug that WooCommerce subscrip… -
Created a topic, woocommerce_resend_order_emails_available is deprecated, on the site Forums:
Hi, ich sehe diese Logs recht häufig: PHP Depre… -
Created a topic, Warning about wcs_renewal_order_meta_query, on the site Forums:
Hi, I see this warning in my logs very often: Der … -
Posted a reply to Is it safe to block direct access to wp-includes/blocks/index.php ? Causes Fatal, on the site Forums:
Blocking direct access to core WordPress files like those in the wp-includes directory is generally… -
Created a topic, Is it safe to block direct access to wp-includes/blocks/index.php ? Causes Fatal, on the site Forums:
About 2-5 times a day I see these fatal error messages… -
Created a topic, Subscriptions nicht mehr switchen wegen 500 Server Error in Germanized, on the site Forums:
Hallo, wenn man ein bestehendes WooCommerce Subscri… -
Created a topic, wcs_renewal_order_meta_query is deprecated since version subscriptions-core 2.5., on the site Forums:
Hi, we have a WooCommerce Subscriptions product whi… -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Undefined array key, e.g. “dhl_default_signature_service”, on the site Forums:
Hi @sal4sup , thanks. There have been 3 releases now but apparently now fix yet.… -
Created a topic, Works great, on the site Forums:
We use this together with WooCommerce and it works wel… -
Created a topic, PHP Warning: Undefined array key, e.g. “dhl_default_signature_service”, on the site Forums:
Hi, we use our www-error.log to catch PHP warnings … -
Posted a reply to Can’t print anymore: Error message says “Bad Gateway”, on the site Forums:
Ok, it is working again. It was a problem of DHL. Any idea why there… -
Posted a reply to Can’t print anymore: Error message says “Bad Gateway”, on the site Forums:
PS Directly printing via the DHL website works. But that's of course not a solution… -
Created a topic, Can’t print anymore: Error message says “Bad Gateway”, on the site Forums:
We could print DHL shipping labels up to yesterday. Si… -
Posted a reply to Link zu engl. “Echtheit von Bewertungen”-Seite mit Polylang, on the site Forums:
Hallo Die WPML Kompatibilität wird nur dann geladen, wenn WPML auch wirklich als Plugin aktiviert… -
Posted a reply to [Germanized for WooCommerce] Link zu engl. “Echtheit von Bewertungen”-Seite mit Polylang, on the site Forums:
Hallo, danke für die schnelle Antwort. Ich habe daraufhin dem Polylang-Support geschrieben und es gibt… -
Created a topic, Link zu engl. “Echtheit von Bewertungen”-Seite mit Polylang, on the site Forums:
Wie bei deutschen Produkten so ist genauso unten den B… -
Translated 4 strings on
Wrote a comment on the post Translator PTE Request for Tutor…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi Bernhard, I am not using Tutor LMS anymore for about 6 months now ,… -
Wrote a comment on the post I’ve suggested translations (English to…, on the site Translate WordPress:
ok, I've done that. -
Translated 3 strings on
Posted a reply to Schriftgröße, Umbruch, Wording bei “Geprüfte Bewertungen”, on the site Forums:
Hi, ok, danke, verstehe. Aber gäbe es denn einen Hook oder ähnliches um aus dem… -
Created a topic, Schriftgröße, Umbruch, Wording bei “Geprüfte Bewertungen”, on the site Forums:
Hallo, ein paar kleinere Dinge fielen mir noch auf: … -
Created a topic, Anzeige “(Nicht) verifizierter Kauf” bei Reply von Shopmanager, on the site Forums:
Hallo, während es ja sinnvoll ist, dass der Hinweis "… -
Posted a reply to Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Danke. Ich markiere den Thread damit mal als "Resolved" -
Posted a reply to Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Das Snippet funktioniert wunderbar. Kannst du nochmal kurz sagen, warum du das nicht empfehlen würdest?… -
Created a topic, Lieferzeit oben bei MwSt. und Grundpreis, on the site Forums:
Hallo, wir hatten bislang über einen Code-Snippet den… -
Posted a reply to Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Danke, damit wird es dann halt weiß ausgeblendet. "Einfach" das alte Verhalten wiederzuhaben geht nicht?… -
Posted a reply to Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Danke, damit verschwindet das Spinning Wheel. So ganz toll finde ich das neue Verhalten aber… -
Posted a reply to Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Das hat nicht den gewünschten Effekt. Das Markup des Grundpreises wird beim Wechsel der Varianten… -
Created a topic, Ajax Spinning Wheel bei Grundpreis und Varianten (Virtue Theme), on the site Forums:
Hallo, seit Version 3.8.0 und auch in aktueller Versi… -
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error with feed-sitemap-pt.php (bot?), on the site Forums:
Nope, been using your plugin for the last 4 years or so. BTW, thank you… -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal error with feed-sitemap-pt.php (bot?), on the site Forums:
Hi, I have a several times per day these errors in my… -
Posted a reply to Enforce registration (Create new account) on WooCommerce guest checkout, on the site Forums:
For anyone getting here via Google. I have created a Pull Request that implements this… -
Wrote a comment on the post I’ve suggested translations (English to…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi @jensratzel und @tobifjellner ich sehe gerade dass die Übersetzungen immer noch "Waiting" sind.… -
Posted a reply to Enforce registration (Create new account) on WooCommerce guest checkout, on the site Forums:
Hi @creativeartbd Will this be part of Tutor 2.0? How can I follow the status… -
Created a topic, [Tutor LMS - eLearning and online course solution] Great UI and functionality, but: security needs to be improved, on the site Forums:
I have evaluated a lot course plugins to integrate int… -
Posted a reply to Capital letter on second verb on buttons, on the site Forums:
PS Regarding workarounds: The given CSS only fixes it for the first button. To have…
Deutsch (German) Plugins Translation Editor - #de_DE
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