Jorge Calle
@geost on, @atrumgeost on Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: January 8th, 2012
- Location: Lisbon, Portugal
- Website:
- GitHub: AtrumGeost
- Job Title: Code Wrangler
- Employer: Automattic
Contribution History
Jorge Calle’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Is the 12th person to arrive at WordPress Day for Developers Lisboa 2024
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Cochabamba, Bolivia 2021
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Guayaquil 2019
Created a topic, Works like a charm!, on the site Forums:
Installed the plugin, selected the 404 page I want to … -
Created a topic, No localization options, on the site Forums:
The plugin works :) However, I tried translating it … -
Created a topic, Works as expected, on the site Forums:
Using it with the Neve theme. Nice integration with Gu… -
Created a topic, Worked as expected, on the site Forums:
Worked as expected -
Created a topic, Didn’t work and gave an error when deleting it, on the site Forums:
Didn't work and gave an error when deleting it -
Posted a reply to Some suggestions, on the site Forums:
Found this temporal workaround for making the pet images clickable: -
Created a topic, Some suggestions, on the site Forums:
Hi there, First of all. Congratulations, I was very e… -
Created ticket #44980 on Core Trac:
When using a mobile browser (iOS 12) and the Visual Editor you won’t ... -
Posted a reply to WP AppKit error, on the site Forums:
Hello @mleroi, Understood. Thanks for your replay and sorry that I missed that. I sent… -
Created a topic, WP AppKit error, on the site Forums:
Hello guys, I was creating a test app and got this me… -
Posted a reply to Problemas con Tema Bouquet, on the site Foros de soporte:
Actualización: Acabo de dar un vistazo a su web. Veo que han puesto su dirección… -
Posted a reply to Problemas con Tema Bouquet, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @serpareja44, Mil disculpas por tanta tardanza en responder. Un descuido mío en cuanto a… -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Languages, on the site Forums:
Ok, thanks for the help and the links. Wish you a great day. Regards, Jorge -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Languages, on the site Forums:
Hello Tijmen, Thanks for your reply. Indeed, that's a great idea. But the labels remain… -
Created a topic, Shortcode Languages, on the site Forums:
Hello, First of all, congratulations for the awesome d… -
Posted a reply to Locked Out, on the site Forums:
Ok, thanks for the update @cauzality Sometimes we need to start from scratch again ;)… -
Posted a reply to Install WP on WAMP, on the site Forums:
Hey @jeff121 ! Awesome news. Glad to know you are moving forward with your WordPress… -
Posted a reply to Install WP on WAMP, on the site Forums:
You are welcome :) For screenshots you can use this tool and post here… -
Posted a reply to Install WP on WAMP, on the site Forums:
Hello @jeff121, If your WordPress directory is: Wamp64/www/wordpres You should try with: localhost/wordpress (adding the… -
Posted a reply to Jetpack error fatal al activar, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @opiniones-sobre, ¿Tampoco tienes acceso al panel de administración de WordPress? Saludos -
Posted a reply to Jetpack error fatal al activar, on the site Foros de soporte:
Me alegro que todo esté marchando bien. ¡Buena suerte! Saludos -
Posted a reply to Page not working, on the site Forums:
Hello @wailana, It might be a permalink issue. Please go to Settings->Permalinks and save changes.… -
Posted a reply to Jetpack error fatal al activar, on the site Foros de soporte:
Buen día @chabanel1963, ¿Ha intentado desinstalando y volviendo a instalar el plugin? Saludos -
Posted a reply to Mails de Woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Me alegro mucho :D Buena suerte con todo ;) -
Posted a reply to Theme ChangeLog, on the site Forums:
Hello @satoristudio, Nice that's what I was looking for. Thank you very much :D Wish… -
Posted a reply to Links and images don’t work, on the site Forums:
Ok, I just checked your site and it is back online :D Before going into… -
Posted a reply to Mails de Woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @yaniparga, Sí, existe una forma de personalizar los mensajes de correo que envía WooCommerce.… -
Posted a reply to Links and images don’t work, on the site Forums:
Hello @philmania, Did you make a database change? I'm currently not able to access your… -
Created a topic, Theme ChangeLog, on the site Forums:
Hello guys, Is there any place where the theme changel… -
Posted a reply to Como solucionar problema de redireccionamiento de mi Blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @amoralarte, Mmm ¿desde qué navegador lo has estado haciendo? Bueno, es probable que al… -
Posted a reply to Como solucionar problema de redireccionamiento de mi Blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola probé instalando y activando el plugin que mencionaste. Luego lo pude desactivar sin problemas.… -
Posted a reply to Como solucionar problema de redireccionamiento de mi Blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
¡Ehh genial! :D Parece que no necesitaremos adentrarnos en conceptos técnicos ;) Ahora el siguiente… -
Posted a reply to Links and images don’t work, on the site Forums:
I see. In the admin panel, go to: Settings->Permalinks. Once there, please verify that you… -
Posted a reply to Links and images don’t work, on the site Forums:
Glad to know it worked @philmania. Could you please describe the homepage redirection issue with… -
Posted a reply to Como solucionar problema de redireccionamiento de mi Blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @amoralarte, ¿Tienes acceso a los archivos de tu sitio web tal vez vía FTP… -
Posted a reply to Prevent empty (Subject and Body) form submission, on the site Forums:
Ok, if Jetpack is off. What plugin are you using for your form? Need to… -
Posted a reply to Plugin wordpress para moviles, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @mfc226, ¿Tal vez has probado Jetpack? Entre sus beneficios está un tema para móviles.… -
Posted a reply to Como solucionar problema de redireccionamiento de mi Blog, on the site Foros de soporte:
¡Hola @amoralarte! Genial ver que estás empezando un nuevo blog :D Parece que hay algo… -
Posted a reply to Links and images don’t work, on the site Forums:
Hello @philmania, Your site is still looking for resources in your localhost (localhost/dodafricmradi/). How did… -
Posted a reply to Prevent empty (Subject and Body) form submission, on the site Forums:
Hello @akerbeltzalba, Are you using JetPack Forms or an specific plugin? Regards -
Posted a reply to Gestor AMPA – WordPress, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @apalmar, Este plugin pagado parace tener lo que buscas. Aunque no lo he probado,… -
Posted a reply to Poner zona de widget debajo de cabecera de pagina principal, on the site Foros de soporte:
Chévere @alvaros. Qué bueno que todo haya funcionado :) -
Posted a reply to Jetpack Photon and Static Front Page, on the site Forums:
Hello Andrii, Thanks for your patience and replies. I mark this issue as solved :)…