Committed [2232316] to Plugins SVN:
Renamed banner image -
Committed [2163222] to Plugins SVN:
Added screenshots -
Committed [2160279] to Plugins SVN:
Update changelog as to what changed -
Committed [2160276] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [2160274] to Plugins SVN:
Add description to plugin name -
Committed [2160273] to Plugins SVN:
Commit plugin assets -
Committed [2160264] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed few typos -
Committed [2160260] to Plugins SVN:
Remove 1.0 -
Committed [2160259] to Plugins SVN:
Renamed 1.0 to 1.0.0 -
Committed [2160258] to Plugins SVN:
Initial plugin commit -
Committed [2160257] to Plugins SVN:
Initial plugin commit -
Committed [2160254] to Plugins SVN:
Created directory 'generous-world/tags/1.0'.