bouzidi zied
@geagoir on
- Member Since: December 1st, 2012
- Location: tunisia
- Website:
- Job Title: web programmer and designer
- Employer: Weather press
Contribution History
bouzidi zied’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Great Plugin, on the site Forums:
really glad to hear that, we are always here to help the weather press customer… -
Committed [2116319] to Plugins SVN:
v 4.8 -
Committed [2116315] to Plugins SVN:
version 4.8 tag -
Committed [2116307] to Plugins SVN:
add wordpress V 5.2.2 support -
Committed [1890587] to Plugins SVN:
V4.7 tag -
Committed [1890586] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.7 trunk -
Committed [1820021] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.6 tags -
Committed [1820020] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.6 trunk -
Committed [1820016] to Plugins SVN:
delete js non compressed -
Committed [1796662] to Plugins SVN:
xml locations file :: translator -
Committed [1796617] to Plugins SVN:
4.5 SEO new tags -
Committed [1791674] to Plugins SVN:
wordpress v 4.9.1 -
Committed [1791673] to Plugins SVN:
wordpress V 4.9.1 -
Committed [1760185] to Plugins SVN:
V4.5 improvements -
Committed [1759595] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.5 tags -
Committed [1759591] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.5 trunk release -
Committed [1710906] to Plugins SVN:
mail to version 4.3 -
Committed [1710671] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.3 release -
Committed [1710669] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.3 trunk release -
Committed [1697237] to Plugins SVN:
4.2 tag release -
Committed [1697236] to Plugins SVN:
v4.2 -
Committed [1697235] to Plugins SVN:
V4.2 trunk -
Committed [1697233] to Plugins SVN:
empty trunk for V4.2 -
Committed [1696344] to Plugins SVN:
v4.1 assets updates -
Committed [1696329] to Plugins SVN:
V4.1 updates -
Committed [1696313] to Plugins SVN:
4.1 tag -
Committed [1696312] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.1 trunk -
Committed [1696311] to Plugins SVN:
assets V4.1 -
Committed [1565753] to Plugins SVN:
V4.0 Rises admin/css/inputs.css correction -
Committed [1565749] to Plugins SVN:
V4.0 Rises default 2.0 css conflict correction -
Posted a reply to update changed format, on the site Forums:
Hi, and thank you for choosing weather press. what we are talking about here is… -
Committed [1562288] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.0 Rises ( css correction for the layout ) -
Committed [1561705] to Plugins SVN:
v4.0Rises correct the admin panel blur font ( ar font causing the problem ... -
Committed [1561377] to Plugins SVN:
4.0 Rises first release -
Committed [1561374] to Plugins SVN:
v 4.0 Rises admin.css correction hover text -
Committed [1561365] to Plugins SVN:
V 4.0 Rises first release :: trunk -
Committed [1561360] to Plugins SVN:
empty v 2.7 from trunk -
Committed [1542324] to Plugins SVN:
new logo introduced -
Committed [1542322] to Plugins SVN:
banner-772x250.png new logo -
Committed [1503799] to Plugins SVN:
assets -
Committed [1503752] to Plugins SVN:
4.0 assets -
Committed [1503671] to Plugins SVN:
4.0 rises banner-772x250.png -
Committed [1421491] to Plugins SVN:
v2.7 admin css correction -
Committed [1421344] to Plugins SVN:
new 2.7 tag -
Committed [1421343] to Plugins SVN:
tags/2.7 -
Committed [1421341] to Plugins SVN:
v2.7 correction -
Committed [1420398] to Plugins SVN:
last 2.7 tag -
Committed [1420397] to Plugins SVN:
2.7 correction 3 -
Committed [1420391] to Plugins SVN:
2.7 correction 2.1 -
Committed [1420384] to Plugins SVN:
2.7 corrections tag
weather press
Active Installs: 50+