@gdeglin on
- Member Since: June 4th, 2011
Contribution History
gdeglin’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [409636] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [409635] to Plugins SVN:
Better settings description -
Committed [409634] to Plugins SVN:
Simplify settings page -
Committed [408634] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme. Version 1.1.5 -
Committed [408110] to Plugins SVN:
Allow setting default shoutbox text -
Committed [406652] to Plugins SVN:
Update tags -
Committed [406636] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo. Clean up settings page -
Committed [405982] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme notes -
Committed [405975] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme -
Committed [405183] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [405182] to Plugins SVN:
Stable tag 1.1.4 -
Committed [405132] to Plugins SVN:
Indicate 3.2 support -
Committed [405130] to Plugins SVN:
3.2 compatibility note -
Committed [404621] to Plugins SVN:
Update name and readme -
Committed [404213] to Plugins SVN:
Change Services_JSON classname to reduce chance of redeclaration errors. ... -
Committed [403936] to Plugins SVN:
First release -
Committed [403934] to Plugins SVN:
Committed [403930] to Plugins SVN:
Change name to Lil'Omi from Lilomi. Fix possible json classname conflict. -
Committed [403063] to Plugins SVN:
Fix plugin directory name -
Committed [403057] to Plugins SVN:
Add buddypress tag to readme -
Committed [403056] to Plugins SVN:
Add screenshots -
Committed [403053] to Plugins SVN:
Fix readme -
Committed [403052] to Plugins SVN:
Add all files -
Committed [403050] to Plugins SVN:
First release
Lil'Omi Shoutbox
Active Installs: 10+