@funt565 on
- Member Since: April 19th, 2018
Contribution History
funt565’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Not bad, on the site Forums:
Compared to other statistics plugins, it seems to me t… -
Created a topic, The cache of a multilingual site is not deleted, on the site Forums:
I have a multilingual website. The Polylang plugin is … -
Created a topic, Callback URL not working, on the site Forums:
There are no clear instructions. The reviews are full … -
Translated 4 strings on
Translated 23 strings on
Posted a reply to Potential conflict with Polylang, on the site Forums:
I'm trying to get back to the problem. Videos are still not displayed on a… -
Created a topic, Multisite, on the site Forums:
I never saw support for multisite with this plugin. De… -
Created a topic, Potential conflict with Polylang, on the site Forums:
Perhaps this is a local problem, I am trying to unders… -
Posted a reply to Videos and posters disappeared after plugin update, on the site Forums:
Thanks, this solved the problem but revealed a new one. I will create a new… -
Posted a reply to The language switcher on the homepage points to http instead of https, on the site Forums:
As I can see, the developers are in no hurry to answer. Well, I'll answer… -
Posted a reply to Comments are not added, on the site Forums:
The anti-spam plugin is indeed installed, but it was not the case. I reset… -
Posted a reply to Videos and posters disappeared after plugin update, on the site Forums:
It's a pity, but the problem repeated itself on another of my projects. After the… -
Posted a reply to Videos and posters disappeared after plugin update, on the site Forums:
version 1.4 -
Created a topic, Videos and posters disappeared after update, on the site Forums:
Subject. The problem is not clear. Rolled back to the … -
Created a topic, The language switcher on the homepage points to http instead of https, on the site Forums:
I've been using Polylang for several months now, every… -
Created a topic, [WP Super Cache] Comments are not added, on the site Forums:
At some point, I found that when WP Super Cache is ena… -
Created a topic, [Yoast SEO] Плагин не обрадовал, on the site Forums:
Три звезды только потому что плагин имеет некое подоби… -
Posted a reply to Not good, but not bad either, on the site Forums:
This is clearly seen when looking at the page code. W3 Total Cache leaves blank… -
Created a topic, Not good, but not bad either, on the site Forums:
Hello! I wanted to replace 2 of the other WP Super Cac… -
Created a topic, This is very funny, on the site Forums:
The plugin very seriously demanded authentication in F… -
Created a topic, Everything is very good, on the site Forums:
That's what I was looking for. Unfortunately, powerful… -
Created a topic, How do I get the sitemap to cache?, on the site Forums:
Wp-Supercahe does not cache the map URL, even if you f… -
Posted a reply to Error 404, on the site Forums:
OK. So far I have created an empty /wp-content/plugins/envira-gallery-lite/assets/css/ file and made a redirect. Thank… -
Created a topic, Error 404, on the site Forums:
Constantly in the logs I see the same error. Missing f… -
Posted a reply to OG Image Not Showing Facebook. Yoast., on the site Forums:
The conflict between og:image and og:image:secure_url -
Posted a reply to The problem with the header output thumbs in different languages, on the site Forums:
Wow! It `s Magic! Thank! -
Created a topic, URL of scheduled posts in sitemap, on the site Forums:
The plugin adds scheduled messages with the wrong URL … -
Created a topic, The problem with the header output thumbs in different languages, on the site Forums:
I have a multi site in Russian and English. How to mak… -
Created a topic, Весьма не плохо, on the site Forums:
Очень приятный плагин, удобные настройки, большой функ… -
Posted a reply to Error 404 in log, on the site Forums:
Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Похоже плагин сдох, on the site Forums:
Сори, все работает. Тему можно удалять. Настройки плагина совсем не простые, но все работает отлично! -
Created a topic, Error 404 in log, on the site Forums:
I find a 404 error in the logs when the Google bot acc… -
Created a topic, Нормальная штука, on the site Forums:
Хороший плагин, хорошая интеграция. Работает. -
Created a topic, Strange loader behavior, on the site Forums:
First, the page loads, then loader appears, and then t… -
Posted a reply to Envira plugin lost all images during site migration, on the site Forums:
The problem was solved as follows: a dump of the database was uploaded to the… -
Posted a reply to Envira plugin lost all images during site migration, on the site Forums:
That's exactly what I did. Used the function of mass replacement. Example: -> overwrite… -
Created a topic, Envira plugin lost all images during site migration, on the site Forums:
I transferred the site to WordPress from Envira to ano… -
Created a topic, The plugin displays the buttons of social networks twice, on the site Forums:
I need the plugin to display buttons in only one place… -
Created a topic, Не работает эта шляпа, on the site Forums:
Все красиво, удобно, визуальный редактор, настройка цв… -
Created a topic, Похоже плагин сдох, on the site Forums:
По крайней мере ничего заблокировать не удалось. В мое… -
Created a topic, Отличная галерея!, on the site Forums:
Хороший плагин, удобный, хорошие настройки. Прекрасно …