
  • Member Since: September 2nd, 2015
  • Location: Brazil
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  • GitHub: fredericobt
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  • Posted a reply to It deserved 5 stars until the last update, on the site Forums:
    Update: After version 5.0.19, the position in the menu has changed, but I still think…

  • Created a topic, It deserved 5 stars until the last update, on the site Forums:
    A very useful and uncomplicated plugin. However, in th…

  • Posted a reply to Issue: Two section using grid designer, on the site Forums:
    OK, Simone. I've just sent you an email. Regards.

  • Posted a reply to Issue: Two section using grid designer, on the site Forums:
    I recorded a video showing what is happening:

  • Posted a reply to Issue: Two section using grid designer, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Sorry for the delay. I created a demo test site on which you could…

  • Created a topic, Issue: Two section using grid designer, on the site Forums:
    When I insert two sections using the grid designer, if…

  • Created a topic, Sitemap name, on the site Forums:
    For some unknown reason, Google Search Console has ind…

  • Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 5.9 Field Guide, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Where can I find support for the creation of child themes in WP 5.9?

  • Posted a reply to Noindex tag unexplained, on the site Forums:
    Fixed! Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Noindex tag unexplained, on the site Forums:
    I would like to know why Slim SEO is inserting noindex…

  • Posted a reply to Chave inválida: `O valor `nº do CNPJ` para o tipo `document` é invalido.`, on the site Forums:
    Obrigado! Tinha um zero a mais no começo do CNPJ. Fica a sugestão de implementar…

  • Created a topic, Chave inválida: `O valor `nº do CNPJ` para o tipo `document` é invalido.`, on the site Forums:
    Olá. Estou tentando cadastrar um CNPJ e está aparecend…

  • Created a topic, Simple and effective., on the site Forums:
    Twentig makes it possible to effectively use standard …

  • Created a topic, Whatsapp/Telegram as social icon, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Would it be possible to insert Whatsapp and Teleg…

  • Posted a reply to ‘Category in Cart’ is not showing up in Block Editor, on the site Forums:
    I finally found the root cause of the problem. In Settings > Permalinks, if I…

  • Created a topic, ‘Category in Cart’ is not showing up in Block Editor, on the site Forums:
    I am using GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks on the pro…

  • Posted a reply to Troca de Tema, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Você vai voltar para o tema original no painel do Wordpress: Aparência > temas. Sobre…

  • Posted a reply to Incluir administrador, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, Renato. Você pode utilizar o plugin User Role Editor para criar um novo papel…

  • Posted a reply to Erro na funcao gdlr_print_header_social, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Bom dia, @gabrielmesel. Neste caso, restam então as outras duas opções que eu listei na…

  • Posted a reply to Impossível instalar Temas, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Você precisa então utilizar um programa de acesso via FTP. Tutorial da Locaweb AQUI.

  • Posted a reply to Plugin para ir fazer pacotes de servicos, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Tem como fazer isso com as versões pagas dos plugins WPForms, Ninja Forms e Gravity…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin não sai do site, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @mstech1. Tenta entrar no cPanel da sua hospedagem, entre na pasta /wp-content/plugins/, faça download…

  • Posted a reply to Impossível instalar Temas, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @luucasfavaro. Na pasta da instalação do Wordpress, existe o caminho public_html/wp-content/themes? Há permissão para…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicação das imagens na Biblioteca, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Boa noite, @anaprpires . Já conseguiu resolver seu problema com as imagens? Você já tentou…

  • Posted a reply to Site perdido, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Boa noite, @tuliogarganoo . Vi que o site ainda está fora do ar. Você consegue…

  • Posted a reply to Erro na funcao gdlr_print_header_social, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @gabrielmesel! A função com erro é do tema do seu site. Você atualizou o…

  • Posted a reply to Mensagem na tela inicial do “wp-admin” / wp central., on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @casalr. Essa mensagem está relacionada com o plugin wpCentral, que serve para gerenciar múltiplos…

  • Posted a reply to HELP! Como criar colunas no Admin, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @mauriciopg97! Se você sabe um pouco de programação, pode tentar inserir ou remover colunas…

  • Posted a reply to A Aba do meu site está com travessão ao invés do hífen (-), on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Oi, @tiaguera! Instale o plugin Yoast SEO ou Rank Math porque eles permitem que você…

  • Posted a reply to Troca de Tema, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Olá, @nataliap2! A resposta sincera para sua pergunta é: muito provavelmente as páginas do site…

  • Created a topic, I use it on all my sites, on the site Forums:
    To prevent the e-mails triggered by the site from endi…

  • Posted a reply to Regex: Extra slash before query strings, on the site Forums:
    I will clear browser cache. Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to version 5.10.0 generated error 500, on the site Forums:
    My plugin list: Antispam Bee Autoptimize Cloudflare Page Cache Custom 404 Disable XML-RPC Pingback Display…

  • Posted a reply to Regex: Extra slash before query strings, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, John, for the quick answer. However, in Chrome and Edge browsers the slash…

  • Created a topic, Regex: Extra slash before query strings, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Trying to redirect, for example, the URL: /2019/1…

  • Posted a reply to version 5.10.0 generated error 500, on the site Forums:
    I am having the same PHP error as @mgc8.

  • Created a topic, version 5.10.0 generated error 500, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I needed to disable the plugin because it was c…

  • Created a topic, Economia de tempo, on the site Forums:
    Precisei fazer a migração de um site e não consegui mi…

  • Created a topic, Reddit share button error, on the site Forums:
    Hi! When I follow the instructions contained in https…

  • Created a topic, Faz o que promete., on the site Forums:
    Protege seu site. Simples e eficiente.

  • Created a topic, Funciona muito bem!, on the site Forums:
    O Autoptimize é um excelente plugin para otimizar a ve…

  • Posted a reply to Wizard doesn’t seem to be correcting “Defer parsing of JavaScript”, on the site Forums:
    Good suggestions! I did as you suggested and I got a very satisfactory result, even…

  • Created a topic, Wizard doesn’t seem to be correcting “Defer parsing of JavaScript”, on the site Forums:
    Hi! I'm using Autoptimize and Async JavaScript Wizard …

  • Created a topic, It works, on the site Forums:
    It works perfectly with Colorlib Sparkling theme and b…

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