@frankmanl on
- Member Since: January 29th, 2016
Contribution History
frankmanl’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to extra content op basis van categorie, on the site Support forums:
Man, wat ben je zorgvuldig in je hulp. Heel fijn, dankjewel.En een gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Frank -
Posted a reply to extra content op basis van categorie, on the site Support forums:
Dank voor je tip over het menu - opgelost. Frank -
Posted a reply to extra content op basis van categorie, on the site Support forums:
Het is helemaal gelukt, Guido, dankjewel.Omdat deze tekst in beginsel bij ieder concert moet kunnen… -
Posted a reply to extra content op basis van categorie, on the site Support forums:
Dankjewel, Guido, dit ziet er goed uit. Ik ga het later proberen (ben nu te… -
Created a topic, extra content op basis van categorie, on the site Support forums:
Bij uitverkochte concerten moet een aantal dingen gebe… -
Posted a reply to split day and time, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Tristan, this helps me a lot. -
Posted a reply to split day and time, on the site Forums:
Hi Tristan, you are right that the calendar is generated by The Events Calendar Shortcode… -
Posted a reply to split day and time, on the site Forums:
Hello Tristan, that is E.g. Nov 9 Mary Gauthier Frank -
Posted a reply to How to set an ALL DAY event?, on the site Forums:
Yes, thank you! I was looking for a checkbox, but this also makes sense. Frank -
Created a topic, split day and time, on the site Forums:
In some cases I want to hide the start time of an even… -
Created a topic, How to set an ALL DAY event?, on the site Forums:
How can I set an ALL DAY event? I seem to remember the… -
Posted a reply to calender for cancelled events?, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Jon. I found that part of the documentation before, but did not understand… -
Created a topic, calender for cancelled events?, on the site Forums:
Settings > Pages > Event List/Archives > Incl… -
Created a topic, adjust tooltips, on the site Forums:
The tooltips appear to be too small to display everyth… -
Posted a reply to hide everything when not logged in, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Jon. -
Created a topic, hide everything when not logged in, on the site Forums:
I want to use Events Manager for private use only (for… -
Posted a reply to Post Grid: font-weight, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Amit, it works well now. Frank -
Posted a reply to Post Grid: font-weight, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Amit, this all works out well. Frank -
Posted a reply to Post Grid: font-weight, on the site Forums:
Hello Amit, the page concerned is the 'lees meer' buttons (read more): At… -
Posted a reply to Post Grid and sticky posts, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Amit, it would be a nice feature. -
Created a topic, Post Grid: font-weight, on the site Forums:
Goodmorning,In Post Grid I can't set font-weight for a… -
Created a topic, Post Grid and sticky posts, on the site Forums:
How do I get sticky posts at the top of the post Grid?… -
Created a topic, Very nice plugin, on the site Forums:
Very nice addition to Gutenberg. Together with Essenti… -
Posted a reply to Post Grid causes problem, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your very quick solution. Everything works fine now. Frank -
Posted a reply to Post Grid causes problem, on the site Forums:
UPDATEI just discovered the posts are displayed at the front end (without any decent lay… -
Created a topic, Post Grid causes problem, on the site Forums:
Hello, post grid does not work for me, says "This bloc… -
Posted a reply to change range of years in date picker, on the site Forums:
Thank you, I wil do that. -
Posted a reply to change range of years in date picker, on the site Forums:
My screen looks different: I use TEC PRO, can that be the reason?As you… -
Created a topic, change range of years in date picker, on the site Forums:
I want to add events from the past to my site, but the… -
Translated 1 string on
Posted a reply to change “add new event”, on the site Forums:
Sorry for not responding before, but I'm very glad with the solution you offered. I'm… -
Posted a reply to highlighting menu item when reading single post, on the site Forums:
Thank you, I'll have a look at this. Frank -
Posted a reply to highlighting menu item when reading single post, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your reply. There indeed is no single recipe in my menu and… -
Created a topic, highlighting menu item when reading single post, on the site Forums:
Active page is highlighted in main menu - in this case… -
Posted a reply to shortcode shows everything in stead of one category only, on the site Forums:
Looking for a temporary work around I just added an item from Event Categories to… -
Created a topic, shortcode shows everything in stead of one category only, on the site Forums:
I use a category verborgen and shortcode [tribe_events… -
Posted a reply to override .tribe-common .tribe-common-a11y-hidden, on the site Forums:
Sorry, I did not express myself plainly. I found file the-events-calendar\src\views\v2\list\event\description.php and made an override… -
Posted a reply to override .tribe-common .tribe-common-a11y-hidden, on the site Forums:
I found an override at last: the-events-calendar\src\views\v2\list\event\description.php is the file in which the class is… -
Posted a reply to override .tribe-common .tribe-common-a11y-hidden, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Chika, but that would mean I'd have to adjust a core file of… -
Posted a reply to change “add new event”, on the site Forums:
Hello Marho, I don't see any settings to change the order of blocks permanently. Neither… -
Created a topic, override .tribe-common .tribe-common-a11y-hidden, on the site Forums:
Hi, In my list view the event's excerpt (summary) is s… -
Created a topic, small bug in list view, on the site Forums:
location of file: the-events-calendar\src\views\v2\lis… -
Posted a reply to change “add new event”, on the site Forums:
It turns out my css solution is not working out well ('display: grid' puts all… -
Posted a reply to second list view?, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your reply, Truman, I'll have a look at that. Frank -
Created a topic, second list view?, on the site Forums:
List view is perfect for our website, but I want to cr… -
Posted a reply to change “add new event”, on the site Forums:
Never mind. My intention was to change the order of elements at the front end… -
Created a topic, change “add new event”, on the site Forums:
"add new event" adds blocks by default in order: date … -
Posted a reply to how can I enable Gutenberg Blocks?, on the site Forums:
Thank you, Ian, then I was mistaken about Gutenberg being integrated. Although I'm not afraid… -
Created a topic, how can I enable Gutenberg Blocks?, on the site Forums:
My site uses OceanWP theme and uses Gutenberg Blocks o… -
Created a topic, Sorry to say, but I’m leaving, on the site Forums:
MEC seemed very promising when I started using it abou…