Committed [2120286] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility README -
Committed [2120284] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility and minor bug fixes -
Committed [2120276] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility for additional plugins -
Committed [2092393] to Plugins SVN:
added compatibility for first five Recipe plugins -
Committed [2087962] to Plugins SVN:
Version update -
Committed [2087961] to Plugins SVN:
Added Compatibility for WP Recipe Maker -
Committed [2061690] to Plugins SVN:
Logo added -
Committed [2061684] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt fixes 2 -
Committed [2061683] to Plugins SVN:
README.txt Update -
Committed [2061652] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Created a topic, Site Locked, Email Unlock Button “Bad Request; Invalid Input”, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I was locked out and tried using the email recovery, b…