@fodisery on
- Member Since: April 1st, 2022
- Job Title: Marketing
- Employer: Farmaku
Created a topic, poorly built…, on the site Forums:
all the component just looks good from the surface. bu… -
Posted a reply to checkout page not aligned, on the site Forums:
i have a question. why bunch of other theme i tried dont have that issue?… -
Posted a reply to checkout page not aligned, on the site Forums:
ok. removed -
Posted a reply to Spectra One is not production ready?, on the site Forums:
it doesnt work. and i dont see its related. after follow your suggestion its still… -
Created a topic, All their template is a joke…., on the site Forums:
I browse template kits made by Elementor, but most of … -
Created a topic, Is elementor only for fun project?, on the site Forums:
I browse template kits made by Elementor, but most of … -
Created a topic, Spectra One is not production ready?, on the site Forums:
When editing header using the built in design, all of … -
Created a topic, Doesnt support new woocommrce, on the site Forums:
fresh installed this on new version of woocommerce, th… -
Created a topic, search icon is transaparent, on the site Forums:
I installed virgin wordpress + woocommerce + kadence. … -
Created a topic, checkout page not aligned, on the site Forums:
all other page is aligned with the titlte and footer. … -
Created a topic, not professionally desgined, on the site Forums:
all other page is aligned with the titlte and footer. … -
Created a topic, not recommended, on the site Forums:
not recommended -
Created a topic, Cant connect the chrome extension, on the site Forums:
Cant connect the chrome extension. I got this. Error: … -
Created a topic, Infinite Scroll UX, on the site Forums:
When user scrolled multiple page, click on a page, the… -
Posted a reply to when will [oceanwp_date] bug be fixed?, on the site Forums:
@skalanter If we need to install Ocean Extra. Why you not just combine it into… -
Posted a reply to show social share without ocean extra, on the site Forums:
@skalanter then why it will work in every section, except 'after content'? -
Created a topic, when will [oceanwp_date] bug be fixed?, on the site Forums:
its been very long his bug exist. We cant use [oceanwp… -
Created a topic, Bloated. very bad coding, on the site Forums:
Bloated. very bad coding -
Created a topic, show social share without ocean extra, on the site Forums:
Why it is not possible to show social share without oc… -
Created a topic, Featured Images Size (Astra Pro), on the site Forums:
In Astra Pro we can force Featured Images Size for Blo… -
Created ticket #57760 on Core Trac:
add 'pre_wp_get_attachment_url' filter -
Created a topic, very bad code quality, on the site Forums:
why loading unnessary js and css code on frontend as w… -
Created a topic, Check die link…, on the site Forums:
How to setup fifu to check every external featured ima… -
Created a topic, Will this offload media files to cloudflare?, on the site Forums:
Can this plugin be set to delete all files on wordpres… -
Created a topic, Country…, on the site Forums:
Hi, Im from Malaysia. But My store only sell product t… -
Created a topic, user review…, on the site Forums:
is it possible for user to leave review for each ad? L… -
Created a topic, kode unik ngaco., on the site Forums:
misal saya set kode unik min = 1 dan max = 300 saya s… -
Created a topic, bug.., on the site Forums:
1. When you have more than 100thousands of products fo… -
Created a topic, Google shopping variation, on the site Forums:
1. Do you have any example template of google shopping… -
Created a topic, Category page problem…, on the site Forums:
How to remove big site logo in category page? Before v… -
Created a topic, stup*d plugin., on the site Forums:
The way you prevent cf prevent cache for logged in use… -
Created a topic, Worker Cache Improvement, on the site Forums:
Hi, I have feature suggestion to increase worker cach… -
Created a topic, Slow, on the site Forums:
Hi. I have been using this for years. But the longer i… -
Created a topic, Paid listing without woocommerce, on the site Forums:
Hi. Why paid listing needs woocommerce? This is too … -
Posted a reply to Set max number of images, on the site Forums:
@gwin Isnt it just add parameter to the frontend html? I think its not so… -
Created a topic, Set default value for field, on the site Forums:
How to set default value for text field and select fie… -
Created a topic, How to replace form value before preview and save?, on the site Forums:
Lets say I want to make: -) title automatically become… -
Created a topic, Set max number of images, on the site Forums:
How to set max number of images uploaded by user for s… -
Created a topic, Single ad page problem, on the site Forums:
The placement of contact button in the single ad page … -
Created a topic, Please Improve UI…, on the site Forums:
The UI is simple, I like it. But its not built for peo… -
Created a topic, bulk change phone number, on the site Forums:
Hi. Since wpadverts store contact information on ad l…