Md. Shahidul Islam
@flex4web on
- Member Since: June 10th, 2015
- Location: Bangladesh
- Website:
- Job Title: Sr. Frontend Web Developer
- Employer: Datapath
Committed [2218068] to Plugins SVN:
Added Documentation link -
Committed [2218066] to Plugins SVN:
Added Demo link -
Committed [2214195] to Plugins SVN:
added admin screenshot -
Committed [2214193] to Plugins SVN:
bug fixed -
Committed [2214144] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug -
Committed [2205740] to Plugins SVN:
readme text change -
Committed [2205739] to Plugins SVN:
readme text change -
Committed [2205730] to Plugins SVN:
update readme text -
Committed [2205728] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release