@filout on
- Member Since: September 12th, 2018
Contribution History
filout’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, PHP fatal error: Call to undefined function, on the site Forums:
Hi there, i get a PHP error in the newest versi… -
Translated 3 strings on
Posted a reply to AH01075 and AH01630, on the site Forums:
Hi Yani, many thanks for your answer. After i added then follwing lines in the… -
Created a topic, AH01075 and AH01630, on the site Forums:
Hello, in the past (two or three times) i already m… -
Posted a reply to Just Updated, Broke Site, on the site Forums:
This error i get if i try to fix the error in display-functions.php like this:… -
Posted a reply to Just Updated, Broke Site, on the site Forums:
The same here on our homepage. Error message: Attempt to read property "ID" on null… -
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error, on the site Forums:
Many thanks for your hint. I've updated to the newest version and it works again.… -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal error, on the site Forums:
Hello! After installing/updating the newest version… -
Posted a reply to Warning: Attempt to read property “user_login”, on the site Forums:
Until now it isn't solved. I use PHP v8.1. -
Created a topic, Attempt to modify property “classes” on null, on the site Forums:
Hello everyone, our provider made a php update from… -
Posted a reply to Can’t activate v4.0.2, on the site Forums:
A little bit complicated, but it should help and i know, what i've to do… -
Posted a reply to Can’t activate v4.0.2, on the site Forums:
Okay, first things first. :-) I use the newest WP v6.1.1 together with PHP v7.3… -
Created a topic, Can’t activate v4.0.2, on the site Forums:
After updated in v4.0.2 in can't active this plugin ag… -
Posted a reply to Problems again with Rest API, on the site Forums:
@adairk: Me too! -
Posted a reply to Problems again with Rest API, on the site Forums:
Hi @reventon94, many thanks for your answer. The access to Rest API is blocked by… -
Created a topic, Problems again with Rest API, on the site Forums:
Hello, i'm using the newest version 13.2.4 and get th… -
Posted a reply to Update 3.0.2 breaks access, on the site Forums:
I have the same problem after updating this plugin. Every page must be save again -
Posted a reply to Failure: Blocked times should be free, on the site Forums:
Found the solution for this problem by myself. The checkbox for Multiple work was (for… -
Posted a reply to Failure: Blocked times should be free, on the site Forums:
Extra information: If I make a CSV export for today, I can only see 9… -
Posted a reply to Failure: Blocked times should be free, on the site Forums:
Correction: So with this settings it’s possible to make 12 reservations per day per location… -
Created a topic, Failure: Blocked times should be free, on the site Forums:
Hi! Before I explain the problem, here are my setting… -
Created a topic, Check the email address, on the site Forums:
Hi, in my option a good optional feature would be, if… -
Created a topic, Canceled appointments, on the site Forums:
Hi, is it possible that canceled appointments are not… -
Created a topic, Different colors, on the site Forums:
Hi! if i'm in calendar overview with the legend at th… -
Posted a reply to There was an error while fetching events!, on the site Forums:
Important: It seems, that the plugin Yoast SEO is the problem. If i deactivate it,… -
Posted a reply to There was an error while fetching events!, on the site Forums:
What else I noticed: If i made a reservation, i can't see it in no… -
Posted a reply to There was an error while fetching events!, on the site Forums:
Hi @loncar, the link is But you should tell me, from which country you… -
Created a topic, There was an error while fetching events!, on the site Forums:
Hi there, since last update i get (sometimes) the pop… -
Posted a reply to Logged in user can’t see data in FullCalendar, on the site Forums:
Addendum: The short code without worker="logged" show now all data for a normal user. It's… -
Created a topic, Logged in user can’t see data in FullCalendar, on the site Forums:
Hi, i've the problem, that a normal logged in user ca… -
Posted a reply to Preview not working while…, on the site Forums:
Hi Maria, but unfortunately it is not beneficial. -
Posted a reply to Preview not working while…, on the site Forums:
Okay, can be closed, i found that. Not nice... -
Created a topic, Preview not working while…, on the site Forums:
Hi there, ...the popup state is in draft/design. Only… -
Created a topic, Ticket URL and/or ticket prices, on the site Forums:
Hi there, it's possible (perhaps in Pro version) to i… -
Created a topic, Still category color failure, on the site Forums:
Hi there, there is still an error in changing the col… -
Created a topic, German translation missing, on the site Forums:
Hi there, the (german) translation for 'Send request'… -
Posted a reply to Disable slide title, on the site Forums:
Me too. The newest version don't work with slider, which created with older versions. -
Posted a reply to Can’t change categories colors, on the site Forums:
Hi leandra! No, exactly that doesn't work and is my problem. For a (new) category… -
Created a topic, Support stopped?, on the site Forums:
Hi there, there is a lot of question here that still … -
Posted a reply to Can’t change categories colors, on the site Forums:
No solution/idea for this problem? -
Posted a reply to Set expire date, on the site Forums:
Solved(?) I found your extension. But is it still supported (Last updated: 06/11/2018)? -
Created a topic, Set expire date, on the site Forums:
Hi there, it is possible to set an expire date for a … -
Created a topic, Can’t change categories colors, on the site Forums:
Hi there, i have create two categories named internal… -
Created a topic, Grouping in widget, on the site Forums:
Hi, when I create an event that goes on for several d… -
Posted a reply to Category Colors (change from text color to background), on the site Forums:
Does the theme support custom CSS? If yes, try it there. -
Posted a reply to Adresse der Veranstaltungen anzeigen ohne Button Weiterlesen, on the site Forums:
Hi @fnbalu! 1) Du solltest für Dein Anliegen in engl. und nicht in deutsch schreiben.… -
Created a topic, Translations, on the site Forums:
Hi, nice plugin but it would be great to possible tra… -
Posted a reply to Update on v1.3.2 with WP v5.2 fails, on the site Forums:
Hi Thomas, sorry for my late answer, but i was ill. I reinstalled WPv5.2 and… -
Posted a reply to Update on v1.3.2 with WP v5.2 fails, on the site Forums:
Hi themezee, WP goes to maintenance mode and never stop this. I get no error… -
Created a topic, Update on v1.3.2 with WP v5.2 fails, on the site Forums:
Hi, after i updated this morning on WP v5.2 i tried t…