Paresh Sagar
@excellentwebworld123 on
- Member Since: January 5th, 2018
- Location: india
- Website:
- Job Title: Founder, CEO and VP of Marketing
- Employer: Excellent WebWorld
Contribution History
Paresh Sagar’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Doesn work with custom post type, on the site Forums:
Hello, What the issue you are facing please let us know by screenshot or guide… -
Committed [2188742] to Plugins SVN:
Content changed -
Committed [2188738] to Plugins SVN:
readme feature desc added -
Posted a reply to A lot of compatibilty problems, on the site Forums:
It's not plugin issue. Its other plugin and our plugin both have same class so… -
Posted a reply to Conflict with another plugin, on the site Forums:
As wp movie library plugin uses same class as we used in our plugin so… -
Posted a reply to Conflict with another plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello, I checked that plugin and our plugin also and found that there is no… -
Posted a reply to Error, on the site Forums:
So now the issue is resolve please check by updating the plugin. -
Posted a reply to Error, on the site Forums:
Hello, We have resolve that issue with new plugin so please update your plugin and… -
Posted a reply to My Favourites page display favourites for category or CPT, on the site Forums:
This feature is custom development that we will take care in next release. we will… -
Posted a reply to Error on the favorite page, on the site Forums:
Hello, Please update the plugin with latest version as version 1.2 has resplved that issue. -
Committed [2166315] to Plugins SVN:
new plugin version updated. -
Committed [2165818] to Plugins SVN:
new version with bug fixes. -
Committed [2165816] to Plugins SVN:
new plugin version. -
Committed [2165753] to Plugins SVN:
tempate set for widget -
Committed [2165752] to Plugins SVN:
Widget posts ids set -
Committed [2165751] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin new version available -
Posted a reply to Two questions pls (database and settings), on the site Forums:
Hello, Thanks for your precious review we will go on with advance features in this… -
Posted a reply to Two questions pls (database and settings), on the site Forums:
Hello, Thanks For using plugin and precious feedback. Answers : 1) Favourites are saved in… -
Posted a reply to shortcode for displaying all bookmarks capturing is setting itself ontop, on the site Forums:
Hello, It will require us to make some major changes to plugin structure so in… -
Committed [2081133] to Plugins SVN:
Some changes made as per notices issue of wp -
Posted a reply to Selected post types gets overwritten, on the site Forums:
Also If you like our plugin give us good reviews and ratings so other can… -
Posted a reply to Selected post types gets overwritten, on the site Forums:
Thanks for using plugin. We have updated the plugin and now you can download or… -
Committed [2081122] to Plugins SVN:
Changed version. -
Committed [2081120] to Plugins SVN:
version number changed -
Committed [2081119] to Plugins SVN:
version updated. -
Committed [2081118] to Plugins SVN:
Updated plugin as per user request -
Committed [2070394] to Plugins SVN:
Issue resolved after made compatible with wp 5.1.1 -
Committed [2069854] to Plugins SVN:
Compatible with wordpress 5.1.1 -
Committed [2069851] to Plugins SVN:
compatible with wordpress 5.1.1 -
Committed [2069849] to Plugins SVN:
compatible with wp 5.1.1 -
Committed [2069844] to Plugins SVN:
upgrade to latest wordpress 5.1.1 -
Committed [2069842] to Plugins SVN:
made compatible with wordpress 5.1.1 -
Posted a reply to does it work with android, on the site Forums:
Hello, Thanks for using our plugin. As our plugin right now only for Desktop Notification… -
Posted a reply to Post Thumbnail in widget list, on the site Forums:
Okay Thanks -
Posted a reply to Plugin doesn’t appear?, on the site Forums:
Hello, If we are planning add this feature in future release so we will notify… -
Posted a reply to Showing multiple list, on the site Forums:
Hello, By looking at your screenshot i think you have used multiple shortcode or you… -
Posted a reply to Post Thumbnail in widget list, on the site Forums:
Hello, Thanks for reaching to us. We will definitely help you with this but it… -
Committed [2004469] to Plugins SVN:
changes for no custom posts selected issue -
Posted a reply to Plugin doesn’t appear?, on the site Forums:
Hello, This plugin only supports posts and custom posts but if you need to add… -
Committed [2000142] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed -
Committed [2000141] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed -
Committed [2000140] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed -
Committed [2000139] to Plugins SVN:
readme changes -
Committed [1998741] to Plugins SVN:
Configure contributer name -
Committed [1998562] to Plugins SVN:
Changed the descripiton -
Committed [1998560] to Plugins SVN:
Commited all files -
Committed [1998556] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin main files -
Committed [1998555] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin assets -
Posted a reply to don’t work on page.php, on the site Forums:
It will not work for pages as it just support wordpress default posts and custom… -
Committed [1960386] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin made live
Categorize your Wishlist for Woocomerce,Posts & Custom Post Types
Active Installs: 50+
EFavourite Posts
Active Installs: 40+
EPush Notifications
Active Installs: 10+
Reward Points for wc-marketplace
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WooCommerce Confirm Customer Email
Active Installs: Less than 10