Ethan Lin
@eslin87 on
- Member Since: March 20th, 2014
- Job Title: Senior Web Application Developer
- Employer: Excelsior University
Contribution History
Ethan Lin’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3123300] to Plugins SVN:
No change - WordPress version bump -
Committed [3082803] to Plugins SVN:
No changes - WordPress stable version number bump -
Committed [3008848] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin icon and banner -
Committed [2988549] to Plugins SVN:
change tested up to value to 6.4 -
Committed [2843612] to Plugins SVN:
fixed version number -
Committed [2843609] to Plugins SVN:
fixed typo in readme.txt -
Committed [2843602] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.4; see changelog for details -
Committed [2843591] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.3; see changelog for details -
Committed [2822315] to Plugins SVN:
updating Tested up to from 5.8 to 6.1 -
Committed [2562962] to Plugins SVN:
updating Tested up to from 5.7 to 5.8 -
Committed [2353196] to Plugins SVN:
updating Tested up to from 5.4 to 5.5 -
Committed [2279412] to Plugins SVN:
updated Tested up to value to 5.4 -
Committed [2185795] to Plugins SVN:
updated Tested up to value to 5.3 -
Committed [2088644] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.2 -
Committed [2088643] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner images and license info -
Committed [2036324] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme for Wordpress 5.1 -
Posted a reply to Short Code?, on the site Forums:
Installation guide updated to include the shortcode. -
Committed [1975626] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.1 -
Committed [1975625] to Plugins SVN:
updated for upcoming wordpress version update; see readme.txt for more info -
Committed [1714853] to Plugins SVN:
readme file in 1.2.0 tag -
Committed [1714851] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner images and readme -
Committed [1550831] to Plugins SVN:
update tested up value to 4.7 -
Committed [1535838] to Plugins SVN:
fixed readme text file -
Committed [1535835] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2.0 -
Committed [1535832] to Plugins SVN:
many new features and updates; see change log -
Committed [1530673] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.2 -
Committed [1530672] to Plugins SVN:
see change log 1.1.2 for details -
Posted a reply to Update, on the site Forums:
Sorry for the super late response. The plugin has been updated to support Windows 10,… -
Posted a reply to Windows 10 and Edge, on the site Forums:
Hi Harry, I am terribly sorry for the super late response. I was not aware… -
Committed [1526343] to Plugins SVN:
retagging version 1.1.1 -
Committed [1526342] to Plugins SVN:
remove tag 1.1.1 -
Committed [1526341] to Plugins SVN:
updated version number -
Committed [1526332] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.1 -
Committed [1526331] to Plugins SVN:
fixed minor errors -
Committed [1526324] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.0 -
Committed [1526322] to Plugins SVN:
revised plugin directories -
Committed [1526320] to Plugins SVN:
added more detections -
Committed [1177797] to Plugins SVN:
fixed version number -
Committed [1177780] to Plugins SVN:
fixed version number -
Committed [1047230] to Plugins SVN:
updated changelog in readme file -
Committed [1047221] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0.0 -
Committed [1047208] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to be compatible with with WordPress 4.1 -
Committed [982270] to Plugins SVN:
adding hd banner and icons -
Committed [982251] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 0.2.0 -
Committed [982245] to Plugins SVN:
releasing version 0.2.0: added windows xp and updated look and feel -
Committed [897439] to Plugins SVN:
updated tested up version to 3.9 in the tag folder -
Committed [897430] to Plugins SVN:
updated tested up version to 3.9 -
Committed [887098] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 0.1.1 -
Committed [887097] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed grammars and added preferred OS and browsers under the passed checks ... -
Committed [883718] to Plugins SVN:
Added banner image to the plugin homepage.
System Requirements Check
Active Installs: 70+