@eragonsoftware on
- Member Since: February 24th, 2020
Contribution History
eragonsoftware’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Doesn’t count properly, on the site Forums:
Hi Danny, just a feedback. It seems removing the endpoint file has solved this issue,… -
Posted a reply to Version number wrong – cannot update, on the site Forums:
I personally simply changed the version number in the main PHP file, that's where the… -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t count properly, on the site Forums:
Allright, I removed the file and will keep monitoring and comparing server no. of visits… -
Posted a reply to Doesn’t count properly, on the site Forums:
Hi Danny, thank you for your replyNo errors are present, even if I turn debugging… -
Created a topic, Doesn’t count properly, on the site Forums:
Something must have happened during the last two updat… -
Created a topic, Version number wrong – cannot update, on the site Forums:
Please look in the main php file, it still says 3.3.2 … -
Created a topic, I discovered a bug, on the site Forums:
I discovered that Woo Cart Abandonment Recovery has a … -
Created a topic, Best newsletter plugin so far, on the site Forums:
After having tested several newsletter plugins, I have… -
Posted a reply to Pinterest For WooCommerce Feed Deletion Failed., on the site Forums:
@bartoszbudzanowski Brother you seem to be a coder, part of the team working on this… -
Posted a reply to Pinterest For WooCommerce Feed Deletion Failed., on the site Forums:
Opening a new thread simply means the developers don't take responsability for this issue, and… -
Posted a reply to Pinterest For WooCommerce Feed Deletion Failed., on the site Forums:
I understand coding is not chidsplay, as a coder myself with almost 40 years experience,… -
Created a topic, Exactly what was needed, on the site Forums:
Simple, straight-forward, it was exactly what I needed… -
Created a topic, conditional visibility doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
The conditional visibility editor doesn't work, it dis… -
Created a topic, Only 2 fieldsets can be used, on the site Forums:
IF you use more then two fieldsets (For instance, on a… -
Suggested 10 strings on
Posted a reply to atec_nonce() UNDEFINED FUNCTION, on the site Forums:
atec cache info is 1.3.9, there is no update available from the apcu I… -
Posted a reply to atec_nonce() UNDEFINED FUNCTION, on the site Forums:
I believe this is what is of interest to you, mate, this is why your… -
Posted a reply to atec_nonce() UNDEFINED FUNCTION, on the site Forums:
Good to see you care about the plugin and tried to update it. I have… -
Created a topic, atec_nonce() UNDEFINED FUNCTION, on the site Forums:
A non-defined function error started appearing today o… -
Created a topic, Conversion value not being sent to GA4, on the site Forums:
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can give me some hint on… -
Posted a reply to Very disappointed ! Huge caching issues, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your reply. I don't know how else to replicate this scenario, other… -
Created a topic, Very disappointed ! Huge caching issues, on the site Forums:
I am very disappointed, lost a lot of time building a … -
Posted a reply to Permissions check failed., on the site Forums:
Here's a thought for the creator(s) of the plugin: why not check if user is… -
Posted a reply to Permissions check failed., on the site Forums:
The issue is coming from the fact that "nonce" is not transmitted via the request,… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled, Part II, on the site Forums:
The easiest thing for the team to check is by watching this video. I made… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled, Part II, on the site Forums:
I can confirm¸the issue still persists. I tried turning off cache completely, that is, WP_CACHE… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled, on the site Forums:
@frizzo the way I see it, the folks at woocommerce are now more interested in… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled, on the site Forums:
Telling people that something UNRESOLVED is resolved or "technically resolved" is 1) cognitive dissonance 2)… -
Posted a reply to WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled, on the site Forums:
Topic should not be closed, same thing started happening on a site I manage, just… -
Created a topic, Permissions check failed., on the site Forums:
Hi, I've seen that there was a similar topic about a y… -
Created a topic, Clear, straightforward, does exactly what is says it does, on the site Forums:
5 stars for making this plugin do exactly what is says… -
Created a topic, Great plugin, does what it is supposed to do !, on the site Forums:
Thanks for this great piece of software, does exactly … -
Translated 73 strings on
Suggested 93 strings on
Created a topic, Absolute genius !, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for this great plugin, it is 100% … -
Created a topic, Requiring PDO_SQLITE is WRONG !, on the site Forums:
I consider the fact that the coders of this module req… -
Created a topic, Best in class so far, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this great plugin.