Emory Rowland
@emory on WordPress.org
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: July 26th, 2004
- Location: Atlanta
- Website: leverable.com
- Job Title: Founder
- Employer: Leverable SEO
Contribution History
Emory Rowland’s badges:- WordCamp Organizer
Posted a reply to AGAIN Smushing image creates a double slash// in Image URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Seems to be working for me two after taking the steps above, thanks! -
Posted a reply to AGAIN Smushing image creates a double slash// in Image URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @wpmudev-support8 - I see that version 3.16 was released in March. I just installed… -
Posted a reply to AGAIN Smushing image creates a double slash// in Image URL, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @wpmudevsupport13 I noticed the trailing slashes are still appearing on new posts. I Do… -
Created a topic, Has Potential, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
But support is unresponsive. -
Created a topic, Loving It, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Used this for quite some time now and I really like it… -
Posted a reply to Jump to Comments Not Working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Joel, I still haven't given up hope that you'll respond. Please answer, thanks. -
Posted a reply to Jump to Comments Not Working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Joel, any idea why jump the comments link references #llc_comments and how to fix? Thanks. -
Posted a reply to Jump to Comments Not Working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Joel, if there is anything I can provide that would help resolve this, let me… -
Posted a reply to Locked out, Renaming NW, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @wfpeter, I wanted to check back with you on this for a suggested solution.… -
Posted a reply to Locked out, Renaming NW, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks Peter. I sent the info as requested. -
Posted a reply to Locked out, Renaming NW, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Additionally, when attempting the login, I'm redirected to another site within my cPanel. -
Created a topic, Locked out, Renaming NW, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm locked out. Recovery email and renaming plugin dir… -
Created a topic, Jump to Comments Not Working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I notice when I turn on the plugin the anchor link tha… -
Posted a reply to Local Font Not Loading Correctly, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Gabe, Do I need to purchase the premium version of the plugin to receive… -
Created a topic, Local Font Not Loading Correctly, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
One font that I added to Local Fonts doesn't seem to l… -
Wrote a new post, Aspiring Web Designers’ Friday Workshop, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2019:
Once you've mastered WordPress Basics – setting up a site, adding a theme, creating pages… -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Atlanta 2019: Q and A, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2019:
It’s getting closer. So if you have questions, now’s the time to get answers. We’re… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Atlanta, GA 2019
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Atlanta, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
We're glad you're here! When you arrive at Loudermilk Center, just check in at the… -
Wrote a new post, WordCamp Atlanta 2018: Q and A, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
It’s not too far away—so if you have questions, now’s the time to get answers.… -
Wrote a new post, Last Call to Get Your WordCamp Atlanta T-Shirt Size, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
Seize the Tee! Do you want to get you WordCamp Atlanta t-shirt in the correct… -
Wrote a new post, Why Should Digital Marketers Attend WordCamp Atlanta?, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
The appeal of digital marketing is that you can do much of it from the… -
Wrote a new post, Why Businesses Should Attend WordCamp Atlanta, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
WordCamp Atlanta is coming up, and you’ll want to have a look at the schedule… -
Wrote a new post, Gutenberg. A Hot Topic at WordCamp Atlanta, on the site WordCamp Atlanta 2018:
Who and What is "Gutenberg?" He’s famous for inventing the printing press some 500 years… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Atlanta 2018
Created a topic, Unable To Parse URL, Header Already Sent Errors, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I am getting request to "/?url=" pages like this: htt…