@emmek on, @Przemek on Slack
- Member Since: August 30th, 2012
- Location: Kraków, Poland
- Website:
Created a topic, Error: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
Notice: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was cal… -
Created a topic, Error: Function _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
There is an error message in the debug mode about the … -
Posted a reply to The plugin panel not working in Safari because of API request error, on the site Forums:
True. -
Created a topic, The plugin panel not working in Safari because of API request error, on the site Forums:
There is a problem with rendering the plugin panel in … -
Created a topic, PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class after plugin activation, on the site Forums:
After installing and activating the plugin in a Local … -
Created a topic, Disable submission entries storage, on the site Forums:
Hello! Is it possible to turn off the entries stora… -
Created a topic, Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated – PHP 8.1 warning, on the site Forums:
Could you fix the deprecation warning in PHP 8.1? … -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
I was going to ask you for a function to switch the subtitle tag into… -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
Your suggestion hit the spot.On the last iteration I did not replace the block inside… -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
Good, the subtitle is visible in the catalog. So we can consider it like almost… -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
Maybe WooCommerce template creates a somehow different context, I don't know... -
Posted a reply to The plugin is stuck at “Update running” screen, on the site Forums:
The issue was incomplete database structure migration.It has been resolved with the great support from… -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
The error has gone, however, the post (product) template block shows just a "No subtitle"… -
Posted a reply to The plugin is stuck at “Update running” screen, on the site Forums:
Thank you, I've emailed the support. FYI: Looking at the local database, where the plugin… -
Created a topic, The plugin is stuck at “Update running” screen, on the site Forums:
Hello! I have an issue which I wasn't aware, probab… -
Posted a reply to Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
The product catalog displays "No subtitle" placeholder at products and the same notice as before… -
Posted a reply to [KIA Subtitle] Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
Warning: React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by render. This… -
Created a topic, Site editor: Subtitle block error when used in WooCommerce collection query loop, on the site Forums:
Hello, could you test the block provided by the plugin… -
Created a topic, Update attachment metadata after performing compression of the original image, on the site Forums:
The plugin should update attachment metadata after per… -
Posted a reply to Cannot edit the login page because I am immediately logged out, on the site Forums:
I actually suspect a plugin conflict I have just tested on a clean install in… -
Created a topic, Cannot edit the login page because I am immediately logged out, on the site Forums:
I have a regular log-out page created during plugin se… -
Posted a reply to Error when saving dynamic options for a widget on WP 6.4 & PHP 8.1, on the site Forums:
I cannot reproduce it anymore so I mark the issue as resolved. -
Posted a reply to Fatal error on v 2.4.27, on the site Forums:
It has been resolved in 2.5.0. -
Posted a reply to Fatal error on v 2.4.27, on the site Forums:
I suffered from the same error so I created a Github issue: You may… -
Created a topic, Error when saving dynamic options for a widget on WP 6.4 & PHP 8.1, on the site Forums:
This happens when I try to save a navigation menu widg… -
Posted a reply to [Feature] Apply filters to .tpo-the-list items HTML output, on the site Forums:
Also: the clients with a huge lists of categorized posts are asking if the save… -
Created a topic, [Feature] Apply filters to .tpo-the-list items HTML output, on the site Forums:
It would be great if you could add a possibility of ch… -
Posted a reply to Function WP_Admin_Bar::add_node was called incorrectly error in the admin panel, on the site Forums:
Hello, it's nice you resolved my topic immediately but I'd be even more grateful if… -
Created a topic, Function WP_Admin_Bar::add_node was called incorrectly error in the admin panel, on the site Forums:
Function WP_Admin_Bar::add_node was called incorrectly… -
Created a topic, Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in wp-includes/functions.php, on the site Forums:
Setup: WP: 6.0.1 ShortPixel plugin 5.0.8 Non-US loca… -
Created a topic, Simple interface to WP filters still with some potential, on the site Forums:
Exactly what I needed to remove WooCommerce cart, orde… -
Posted a reply to Sequential order numbers and payment gateway, on the site Forums:
Understood. -
Created a topic, Sequential order numbers and payment gateway, on the site Forums:
Hello! I found that the payment gateway from Blue Med… -
Created a topic, Dynamic URL to redirect after submission based on processed input data, on the site Forums:
So far I cannot achieve this. To use: document.addEv… -
Created a topic, Feature: WPML compatibility, on the site Forums:
Hi! Thank you for a nice and simple plugin. Would yo… -
Posted a reply to Memberpress’ rules don’t work correctly with membership, on the site Forums:
Anyway, although the problem with the rules logic expressed above seems real, the membership-based rules… -
Created a topic, Memberpress’ rules don’t work correctly with membership, on the site Forums:
I'm using the latest Memberpress plugin and I want to … -
Created a topic, The form tag should be marked as invalid when Recaptcha is not filled, on the site Forums:
With the current WPCF7 form API the form tag after inv… -
Created a topic, Cannot turn on the plugin on Flywheel where WP dirs are renamed/symlinked, on the site Forums:
Hi, I cannot enable uC plugin on a popular Flywheel ho… -
Created a topic, 5 for the plugin, 1 for resolving issues = 3 in avg., on the site Forums:
I'll update my review when you'll resolve some of the … -
Created a topic, Error 400 Bad Request in If_Menu::getPlan(), on the site Forums:
The server shows a bad HTTP request in the admin panel… -
Posted a reply to Warning in WordPress 5.5, on the site Forums:
I've muted the warning for myself by adding in line 350 of if-menu.php a parameter:… -
Created a topic, Deprecation warnings caused by screen_icon() and get_screen_icon(), on the site Forums:
Hello, I like your simple plugin. Could you just fix… -
Created a topic, Hide the form fields after successful submission to see only the notice, on the site Forums:
Hello! Is there a way to hide the form fields after s… -
Created a topic, Initially, var(–happyforms-form-width) equals 100 but % unit is missing, on the site Forums:
Hello! When a sample form is in its initial state, I … -
Created a topic, Extending submission meta?, on the site Forums:
Hello! I am considering the use case where I could pe… -
Created a topic, Warning in WordPress 5.5, on the site Forums:
After update to WP 5.5: wp-content/plugins/find-my-blo… -
Created a topic, Warning in WordPress 5.5, on the site Forums:
After update to WP 5.5: wp-content/plugins/find-my-blo…
404 Solution
Admin Columns
Advanced Columns Block: Layout builder
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
Better Find and Replace
Block Visibility — Conditional Visibility Control for the Block Editor
BlockMeister - Block Pattern Builder
Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks
Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg
Disable Blog
Disable Comments - Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)
Domain Mapping System | Create Microsites with Multiple Alias Domains (multisite optional)
Doubly - Cross Domain Copy Paste for WordPress
Download List Block with Icons
Duplicate Page
Duplicator - Backups & Migration Plugin - Cloud Backups, Scheduled Backups, & More
Dynamic Year Block – display a copyright notice in your footer with the current year
Easy Watermark
Email Address Encoder
Enhanced Embed Block for YouTube
External Links in New Window / New Tab
FAQ Block
Fewer Tags Free
Filenames to latin
Form Block
GA Google Analytics – Connect Google Analytics to WordPress
Grids: Layout builder for WordPress
ImageMagick Engine
Imagify – Optimize Images & Convert WebP & AVIF | Compress Images Easily
Independent Analytics - Google Analytics Alternative for WordPress
Intuitive Custom Post Order
Koko Analytics
Layout Grid Block
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded - Login Security, Brute Force Protection, Firewall
Loco Translate
Lonely Sticky
MainWP Dashboard: WordPress Management without the SaaS
Media File Renamer: Rename for better SEO (AI-Powered)
Meta Box
Meta Field Block
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
Page Links To
Paid Membership Subscriptions - Effortless Memberships, Recurring Payments & Content Restriction
Plugin Check (PCP)
Post Views Counter
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
QuickPost - Add New Posts & Duplicate from the Block Editor
Radio Buttons for Taxonomies
Real-Time Find and Replace
Reusable Blocks Extended
Reveal IDs
Safe Redirect Manager
Safe SVG
Search Regex
Sensei LMS - Online Courses, Quizzes, & Learning
Simple Ajax Chat – Add a Fast, Secure Chat Box
Simple Newsletter Plugin - Noptin
Simple Taxonomy Ordering
Simply Static - The WordPress Static Site Generator
Social Sharing Block
SQLite Object Cache
SSH SFTP Updater Support
Sticky Block for Gutenberg Editor
StockPack – Stock photos from Unsplash, Adobe Stock and more
The Icon Block
The SEO Framework – Fast, Automated, Effortless.
User Switching
WordPress Slider Block Gutenslider
WP Activity Log
WP Crontrol
WP Go Maps (formerly WP Google Maps)
WP Mail SMTP by WPForms - The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin
WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin - Migration Backup Restore
WPS Hide Login
YouTube Block - A better way to embed YouTube videos, shorts, playlists