

First encounter with computers was with “War Games” movie and Pixels (a Greek magazine about personal computers back in 80’s).

First computer Amstrad CPC 664.

Ever since contiounsly learning. Never stopped learning. Never bored.
Programming, developing, teaching, supporting.

But, if I could start again, I would choose plumber as a profession and computers as a hobby!!!

WordPress came into my life back in 2013. Ever since changing a lot in my life for the better.
So, for my customers.

Gutenberg editor, although at first a must not have, now is an essential part of my website developing life.
Sometimes, small, erelevant events (like the Elementor’s price increase), makes you seek new paths and you find true diamonds, like Gutenberg.

WordPress Origin Story

From HTML + CSS + JAVASCRIPT -> Mambo -> Joomla -> Worpdress and Woocommerce.

  • Member Since: February 6th, 2017
  • Location: Greece
  • Website:
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to [cookie_audit] shortcode not working, on the site Forums:
    This ticket is resolved.

  • Posted a reply to [cookie_audit] shortcode not working, on the site Forums:
    Thank you CookieYes Team! Shortcode [cky_outside_audit_table] did the job. Thank you!!

  • Created a topic, [cookie_audit] shortcode not working, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for this great plugin! The [cookie_audit]…

  • Posted a reply to After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    Finally I managed to solve the problem with XAMPP and Spectra version 2.4.0 and up.…

  • Posted a reply to After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    The problem with versions 2.4.0 and 2.4.1 still persist in my case. I am able…

  • Posted a reply to After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    @abhijitnage @judith0 I just opened a support ticket with ID: 322957. Thank you.

  • Posted a reply to After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    Hi @judith0, I did the changes you suggested in php.ini. Problem remains with 2.4.0. In…

  • Posted a reply to After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    Hello @abhijitnage Thank you for your willingness to help, but the site is in the…

  • Created a topic, After update to 2.4.0 unable to edit posts, on the site Forums:
    Hi, When I try to edit a post after updating to Spe…

  • Posted a reply to I have to say thank you to the developers!, on the site Forums:
    Hi malaic! I should have also mentioned, that also works for locally hosted websites. This…

  • Created a topic, I have to say thank you to the developers!, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is a life saver for me. A big thank you to…

  • Completed the course Part 3: Advanced Site Design with Full Site Editing: Site Editor, Templates and Template Parts on

  • Completed the course Part 2: Personalized Site Design with Full Site Editing and Theme Blocks on

  • Completed the course Part 1: Simple Site Design with Full Site Editing on

  • Created a topic, Good Job!, on the site Forums:
    FloraPress is a promising plugin. As a garden enthusia…

  • Posted a reply to Slider Speed Follow-up, on the site Forums:
    Hi lrkr, I had faced the same issue with the slider speed. Please check two…

  • Created a topic, WP Auto Listings translation – How to translate, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am currently evaluating this plugin and so f…

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
    Does what promises.

  • Created a topic, Thank you!, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for this plugin!! It should be part of WP co…

  • Created a topic, It works as described!, on the site Forums:
    Installation and usage of this plugin was without prob…

  • Created a topic, Works and Excels, on the site Forums:
    This plugin helped me a lot with Gutenberg editor. Add…

  • Created a topic, Very Pleased!, on the site Forums:
    Gutenberg Blocks – Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg, work…

  • Posted a reply to SECURITY ISSUE, on the site Forums:
    Same problem here. 2 sites hacked. wp-steam.php present. Code injection to many files. Restore from…

  • Posted a reply to Quizzes /Surveys list is empty, on the site Forums:
    Hi Kriti, Thank you for your reply! I understand that this is not a normal…

  • Posted a reply to Quizzes /Surveys list is empty, on the site Forums:
    Hi again! I logged out and reconnected to admin 12 hours later. Questions in the…

  • Created a topic, Quizzes /Surveys list is empty, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Thank you for this great plugin. I face a strange …

  • Posted a reply to Version 11.2.2 throws E_ERROR, on the site Forums:
    Same error. Version 11.2.2 throws E_ERROR.

  • Created a topic, Αξιόπιστο! – Reliable!, on the site Forums:
    This plugin does what it promises. A must have additi…

  • Created a topic, Undefined index: billing_timologio, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for this great plugin! After upgradi…

  • Created a topic, It simply works!, on the site Forums:
    I remember my first days with Wordpress, coming from J…

  • Created a topic, WordPress has a Forum plugin!, on the site Forums:
    I am really impressed with this forum plugin. It look…

  • Posted a reply to Greate, unless you use it with Profile Builder plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi Lenin, I just informed Paul from Profile Builder. Please check it here:

  • Posted a reply to NOTE: Not compatible with YUZO, on the site Forums:
    Hi Paul, Lenin Zapata from YUZO, has found the cause of the problem and posted…

  • Posted a reply to Greate, unless you use it with Profile Builder plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello Lenin! The problem I faced was in the admin side. With Yuzo enabled, Profile…

  • Created a topic, NOTE: Not compatible with YUZO, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin! I've noticed that when it is installed …

  • Created a topic, Greate, unless you use it with Profile Builder plugin, on the site Forums:
    Greate on its own. Not compatible with Profile Builfe…

  • Posted a reply to Firefox & WP Rocket & Woof Filters & Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    I think I found the reason of this erratic behaviour. What I forgot to mention…

  • Created a topic, Great Plugin, on the site Forums:
    If you start using it, you will never look back!!

  • Created a topic, Firefox & WP Rocket & Woof Filters & Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    First of all, I would like to thank you for this plugi…

  • Posted a reply to Grid/List View for WooCommerce and Divi Theme, on the site Forums:
    You are welcome Oleg.

  • Posted a reply to Grid/List View for WooCommerce and Divi Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've found a solution to this problem. Perhaps not the best, but it works.…

  • Created a topic, Grid/List View for WooCommerce and Divi Theme, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for this great plugin! I use Divi t…

  • Posted a reply to Dissapointing, on the site Forums:
    @nazmulhassann20 Thank you for your reply. I am sure that your intentions are good. Your…

  • Created a topic, Dissapointing, on the site Forums:
    I had installed this plugin trying to build a membersh…

  • Created a topic, It Works!, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for this plugin! It really works. I have tr…

  • Created a topic, Amazing!, on the site Forums:
    Simple and effective. Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Amazing!, on the site Forums:
    Makes miracles!

  • Posted a reply to Issues after the last update, on the site Forums:
    I had the same problem after updating to 3.6.2. Meta Slider 3.5.x was working fine…