Eka Y Saputra
@ekajogja on WordPress.org and Slack
- Member Since: January 25th, 2013
- Location: Indonesia
- Website: ekajogja.com
- Job Title: frontend designer, web & app localization
Contribution History
Eka Y Saputra’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Support Contributor
- Support Team
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 4 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 38 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3145571] to Plugins SVN:
first version -
Translated 41 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Posted a reply to Post Grid not working, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@ibtehaj Try adding the lines via Customize > Additional CSS -
Posted a reply to MENU – Font size, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'd rather edit in Customizer > Additional CSS body { font-size: 1.5rem; } -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
done -
Wrote a comment on the post PTE Request for TW Header & Footer Codes, on the site Translate WordPress:
done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID added -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
done -
Posted a reply to How to Translate with Plural, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Unicode CLDR is correct. The tab should be labeled plural instead of semua bidang which… -
Posted a reply to Creation of zip file fails, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
You might wanna check if there's any FAIL warnings in Diagnostics. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello @ocean90 We have: 3…, on the site Translate WordPress:
@tobifjellner I am closing this. @pallawa I can add you as ID GTE, let's talk… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello @ocean90 We have: 3…, on the site Translate WordPress:
@ocean90 For #jv_ID please revoke current users and grant write access to @pallawa and @ekajogja… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello @ocean90 We have: 3…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi Dominik, thanks for sharing the list. I'd love to hear from people mentioned on… -
Wrote a new post, Hello @ocean90 We have: 3…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @ocean90 We have: 3 LMs on #id_ID: me, @tfirdaus, @ivankristianto 2 LMs on #jv_ID:… -
Created a topic, Does one thing perfectly, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Add old URL, add new URL, add new redirect. Done! -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
@pallawa added as editor. -
Created a topic, Portfolio Project Type not displayed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Using Jetpack Portfolio, the Project Type not displaye… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done. -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.8 “Evans” Indonesia, on the site Indonesia:
Versi 4.8 WordPress, dinamai “Evans” sebagai penghormatan bagi komponis pianis jazz William John “Bill” Evans,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots,, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello polyglots!, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done. I apologize for slipping this one. -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan”, on the site Indonesia:
WordPress versi 4.7, dinamai “Vaughan” sebagai penghormatan bagi vokalis jazz legendaris Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan, kini tersedia… -
Wrote a comment on the post We’re in hard string freeze for 4.7 – Prepare your locales for the the release, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID all set -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I am the plugin author for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID added -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I would like to assign translation…, on the site Translate WordPress:
@samuelsidler @themeisle I believe he's already added. Pls mention me again in case I missed… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello polyglots I am one of the authors…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID done -
Wrote a new post, WordPress 4.6 “Pepper” (Indonesia), on the site Indonesia:
Versi 4.6 WordPress (Indonesia), dinamai “Pepper” sebagai penghormatan untuk saksofonis bariton jazz Park Frederick “Pepper”… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi Polyglots I’m making this request on behalf…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I’m request to help woocommerce locale…, on the site Translate WordPress:
PTE added. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi arnaudbroes has completed the translation to Dutch…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done :) -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I would like to ask you…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi arnaudbroes has completed the translation to Dutch…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Sorry, no idea. -
Wrote a comment on the post Hi arnaudbroes has completed the translation to Dutch…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Done :) -
Wrote a comment on the post I am the plugin author for the following…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID done -
Wrote a comment on the post Howdy Polyglots I’m the plugin author of Postman…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID added -
Wrote a comment on the post Translation Editors for Jetpack, on the site Translate WordPress:
'id_ID' added -
Wrote a comment on the post Howdy Polyglots I’m one of the plugin authors…, on the site Translate WordPress:
@storymasterq added into id_ID -
Wrote a comment on the post WordPress 4.3 has been released The results of…, on the site Translate WordPress:
id_ID 4.3 branch created. -
Wrote a comment on the post Notes from the Polyglots chat on May 20th, on the site Translate WordPress:
Sorry, replied in wrong comment. Please give commit access to both of us. Thanks :) -
Wrote a comment on the post Notes from the Polyglots chat on May 20th, on the site Translate WordPress:
Both of us would be good. Thanks in advance :) -
Wrote a comment on the post Notes from the Polyglots chat on May 20th, on the site Translate WordPress:
@ocean90 : current active validators for id_ID are me and @johanbun
Active Installs: 10+