
  • Member Since: February 5th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Alignment to the edge of the browser, on the site Forums:
    hello i am trying to position the header and an image …

  • Created a topic, Edit Tiles, on the site Forums:
    hello, can you tell me if and how I can edit and chang…

  • Posted a reply to pages remain without content when the plugin is activated, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the great help and sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Of…

  • Created a topic, pages remain without content when the plugin is activated, on the site Forums:
    Since the last update, when the plugin is activated, t…

  • Created a topic, Pages remain empty when used with GenerateBlocks, on the site Forums:
    It is a very functional plugin. Since the last update,…