
  • Member Since: July 8th, 2017
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  • Posted a reply to Currently it is not working correctly. Woocommerce does not recognize statuses., on the site Forums:
    I have empathy, but you must also understand that your plugin is used in WOOCOOMMERCE.…

  • Created a topic, Currently it is not working correctly. Woocommerce does not recognize statuses., on the site Forums:
    The plugin has not been updated for many months, and i…

  • Created a topic, Nothing appears in the statistics, on the site Forums:
    Woocommerce ignores all the statuses that I have creat…

  • Created a topic, Not compatible with POS plugin ??, on the site Forums:
    We are using the YITH Point Of Sale plugin, to use woo…

  • Posted a reply to Generate – Regenerate all invoices in bulk????, on the site Forums:
    You are RIGHT!! I don't know how, but I had an older version of that…

  • Posted a reply to Generate – Regenerate all invoices in bulk????, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much for your reply, but where is the option TOOLS???I'm in Number…

  • Posted a reply to Generate – Regenerate all invoices in bulk????, on the site Forums:
    Hi, But I dont want to export. I want TO REMOVE, a BULK REMOVE. Is…

  • Created a topic, Generate – Regenerate all invoices in bulk????, on the site Forums:
    I just installed the plugin, but I want it to create i…

  • Created a topic, The plugin breaks the control panel, on the site Forums:
    I have the 2.0.2 and it works fine, but if I update to…

  • Posted a reply to Don’t buy – No Premium Support -No refund, on the site Forums:
    @cengelberts , You should have more honor. In the end, nobody solves anything.

  • Posted a reply to El diseño se rompe dependiendo del SLUG !!, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Me autocontesto por si a alguno le pasa algo similar... Como era de esperar, el…

  • Created a topic, El diseño se rompe dependiendo del SLUG !!, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas, Me estoy encontrando con un problema rarísimo…

  • Posted a reply to Don’t buy – No Premium Support -No refund, on the site Forums:
    I have sent a lot of emails, and you never reply me.

  • Created a topic, Don’t buy – No Premium Support -No refund, on the site Forums:
    Don't buy the premium service. It does not have good …

  • Created a topic, How update the free plugin ???, on the site Forums:
    I am using the free version for WSDESK, and it works n…

  • Posted a reply to Problema con enlace permanente muy lento, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas Jose Luis, Lo primero, gracias por contestar. Al ser un sitio que no es…

  • Created a topic, Problema con enlace permanente muy lento, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas, Tengo un problema y es que algunas de mis pág…

  • Created a topic, Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_formatted_number(), on the site Forums:
    Hi, My website dont create any PDF. I have this erro…

  • Created a topic, BUG with ” I’ve read and accept the terms & conditions”, on the site Forums:
    This string: " I’ve read and accept the terms & …

  • Posted a reply to Wrong refund invoice, on the site Forums:
    If I want to do a right invoice with partial refund I need a premium…

  • Created a topic, How Create invoice without to SEND to the customer?, on the site Forums:
    Hi I want to create the invoices, but I don't want to…

  • Created a topic, Wrong refund invoice, on the site Forums:
    When I do a partial refund, the invoice is not create …

  • Posted a reply to How can I Remove ORDER info of pdf ?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot. One more question, Why the incoive is not create automatically? My orders…

  • Created a topic, PDF has not the invoice’s number, on the site Forums:
    Hi I am using this plugin, and I have the default tem…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Como eliminar el post/ENLACE PERMANENTE de las imágenes que se suben?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Pero no da error, no? Simplemente las que tengan POST redirige al post, y las…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Como eliminar el post/ENLACE PERMANENTE de las imágenes que se suben?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    LGrusin, subiendo una imagen a la biblioteca no da ninguna opción. La sube directamente y…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Como eliminar el post/ENLACE PERMANENTE de las imágenes que se suben?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Pero mejor no tener tantos plugin, no? El que puse lo copié de Lo…

  • Posted a reply to ¿Como eliminar el post/ENLACE PERMANENTE de las imágenes que se suben?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Pero no hay manera de que no la cree? Por ahora la mejor solución encontrada…

  • Created a topic, ¿Como eliminar el post/ENLACE PERMANENTE de las imágenes que se suben?, on the site Foros de soporte:
    Buenas, Cada vez que subo una imagen a la biblioteca …