Erick Danzer
@edanzer on, @Erick Danzer on Slack
- Member Since: January 4th, 2011
- Location: Boulder, Colorado
- GitHub: edanzer
- Job Title: JavaScript Engineer
- Employer: Automattic
Contribution History
Erick Danzer’s badges:- Core Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Posted a reply to Modula gallery – no arrows, on the site Forums:
Hmm. The code for Easy Fancybox and Firelight is the same - it's just a… -
Posted a reply to I won’t use the plugin, on the site Forums:
Hey @soniagon - if you're looking for a refund on the Pro version of the… -
Committed [3190433] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.4 from GitHub -
Posted a reply to Show all category terms and taxonomy terms, on the site Forums:
Hi @bradthebluefish - Are you displaying your category / taxonomy terms as part of a… -
Posted a reply to AJAX loading new chapters through scrolling, on the site Forums:
Hi - How are you creating / storing your chapters? Are they stores as separate… -
Committed [3186126] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.3.3 from GitHub -
Committed [3186123] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.3 from GitHub -
Committed [3186121] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.2.4 from GitHub -
Committed [3186114] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.1 from GitHub -
Committed [3186108] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.1 from GitHub -
Committed [3186100] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.3 from GitHub -
Posted a reply to webp support code, on the site Forums:
I was working on some small changes and decided to just make the webp change… -
Committed [2989500] to Plugins SVN:
Releasing version -
Posted a reply to webp support code, on the site Forums:
By the way, if you have any other outstanding feedback or suggestions please feel free… -
Posted a reply to webp support code, on the site Forums:
Hey there @i0n1ca! After an amazing, long run by @ulfben, I've taken over the maintenance… -
Committed [2989457] to Plugins SVN:
Remove branches -
Committed [2988793] to Plugins SVN:
Releasing version 1.4.9 -
Committed [2988732] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme, screenshot, tested version -
Committed [2977293] to Plugins SVN:
Update Editing Toolkit Plugin to 3.81108 -
Committed [2977291] to Plugins SVN:
Update Editing Toolkit Plugin to 3.81108 -
Created issue #51982 in the WordPress/gutenberg repository:
Navigation block on mobile: First item always underlined vs current page -
Committed [2833109] to Plugins SVN:
Update Editing Toolkit Plugin to 3.50907 -
Committed [2833107] to Plugins SVN:
Update Editing Toolkit Plugin to 3.50907 -
Submitted pull request #45672 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Template Part Block: Update block isActive method -
Created a topic, How to trigger block code AFTER all block editor content is loaded?, on the site Forums:
I'm working on a block that uses the WP featured image… -
Created a topic, Saving meta with useEntityProp setMeta – sanitization needed?, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm using blocks (vs meta boxes) to allow users to… -
Posted a reply to destroyed my theme and website, on the site Forums:
@crimsonmed - Thanks for coming back and providing the extra input. It may still be… -
Posted a reply to destroyed my theme and website, on the site Forums:
Given the symptoms your describing, and how uncommon they are for NG users, it seems… -
Posted a reply to Too expensive for 1 website and……., on the site Forums:
Hi @suwarrow9. Thanks for taking the time to review. NextGEN Gallery is free. Can you… -
Posted a reply to Disappointingly Buggy, on the site Forums:
@arthughesphoto - Sorry to read this. Sounds like you had some bumps. Based on your… -
Posted a reply to Broke my website!, on the site Forums:
Thanks for taking the time to leave a review. We're wondering if you can clarify.… -
Posted a reply to I don’t want to show titles on images, on the site Forums:
@tommuc1 - Unless I'm misunderstanding your request, I'd think you could just use a media… -
Posted a reply to not compatible, on the site Forums:
@adpassion - Hi! I just wanted to let you know that you can use NextGEN… -
Posted a reply to I don’t want to show titles on images, on the site Forums:
Hi @gwatuk - Thanks! I just wanted to add a few quick notes to manage… -
Posted a reply to [WordPress Gallery Plugin - NextGEN Gallery] GoDaddy has blacklisted the NextGen Gallery on Managed WordPress Hosting, on the site Forums:
Hi @martinstkonvis – appreciate your security consciousness, but as has been noted, a fix was… -
Posted a reply to Problems with NextGEN Gallery and Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
Hi all - we spent some time trying to duplicate this issue but were unable… -
Posted a reply to GoDaddy has blacklisted the NextGen Gallery on Managed WordPress Hosting, on the site Forums:
Hey Cami - Thanks! We've already seen several copies of the email from users affected… -
Posted a reply to GoDaddy has blacklisted the NextGen Gallery on Managed WordPress Hosting, on the site Forums:
Hey all - Erick (CEO Imagely) here. I want to confirm that all you need… -
Posted a reply to Popularity is not justified, bugs, on the site Forums:
Hey - thanks very much for writing back. It's helpful, and I can tell your… -
Posted a reply to not allowed, on the site Forums:
Hi there! Can you clarify what you're seeing exactly? We do have hundreds of thousands… -
Posted a reply to Popularity is not justified, bugs, on the site Forums:
We always appreciate when users take the time to leave feedback. I must admit we're… -
Posted a reply to Locks jQuery version, on the site Forums:
Hey @squazz and others who may read this, There's some truth to this review and… -
Posted a reply to Why do you realize this catastrophic update?, on the site Forums:
@uldis23 - Can you confirm... Is your issue solved now by changing lightboxes? If not,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Major and Minor Version Release Cadence, on the site Make WordPress Core:
While I do definitely understand the advantages of shorter release cycles, I'd also like to… -
Posted a reply to Non dismissible notice on all admin pages, on the site Forums:
I wanted to add that we've been able to duplicate this now. We'll solve it… -
Posted a reply to Non dismissible notice on all admin pages, on the site Forums:
Hey @joshbiz - Any way you would be willing to give us access to one… -
Posted a reply to New update kills random picture widget, on the site Forums:
@grandslambert - Yup, good point and I'd agree. -
Posted a reply to New update kills random picture widget, on the site Forums:
Hey all - just a quick update. The latest release does change some implementation for… -
Posted a reply to No Option to Delete Plugin!, on the site Forums:
@ecormier - Thanks for the response. And no worries. You have the right to feel… -
Posted a reply to No Option to Delete Plugin!, on the site Forums:
@ecormier - Perhaps you can clarify your issue? NextGEN can be removed from your WordPress…