
  • Member Since: January 24th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, One of the best plugins, on the site Forums:
    I must have plugged in that I use on every install. 10…

  • Created a topic, What permissions are needed to view the dashboard?, on the site Forums:
    What permission do I need to give to someone so that t…

  • Created a topic, Help where to debug what causes brand-new ec2 instance and WP install to CPU spi, on the site Forums:
    This is an issue I’ve had over a few work places envir…

  • Posted a reply to Add way to add custom attributes to variable products, on the site Forums:
    Another note, when calling $this->cart->add_to_cart( $product_id, $product->get_quantity(), $variation_id, [META DATA DICT HERE], $cart_item_data ); In…

  • Posted a reply to Add way to add custom attributes to variable products, on the site Forums:
    You can see an example of this on my shop here: Here is the variable…

  • Posted a reply to Add way to add custom attributes to variable products, on the site Forums:
    Hey, thanks for your reply, yes here are more details, and an example. First, set…

  • Created a topic, Add way to add custom attributes to variable products, on the site Forums:
    Right now, if you have a variable product with one of …

  • Posted a reply to [Product Fields, Addons and Price Calculator for WooCommerce] Problem in cart, on the site Forums:
    For anyone who sees this later, this was a bug in Woocommerce itself, and has…

  • Created a topic, Best way to debug which plugin(s) are causing random memory spikes on my server, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I am hoping you can help lead me in the righ…

  • Created a topic, Select Fields incorrectly shown in cart when hidden, on the site Forums:
    There is a bug where if you have a select field, and i…

  • Posted a reply to [Product Fields, Addons and Price Calculator for WooCommerce] Conditional visibility, on the site Forums:
    To add on, I have the same issue, most of my conditional visibility rules don't…

  • Posted a reply to [WooCommerce] Unable to change prices of items in order on admin panel, on the site Forums:
    I work for WolfPack Tackle (the original poster). The company account was disabled as per…

  • Posted a reply to [One Click Accessibility] Greyscale bug, on the site Forums:
    Same issue. Clicking grayscale makes the entire plugin unusable.

  • Created a topic, Whats the best way to debug what is completely taking down my wordpress site, on the site Forums:
    I'm in a bit of a weird situation. Im using a wordpres…