@easywpstuff on
- Member Since: July 20th, 2022
Contribution History
Uzair’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to Easyfonts causes error easyfonts_remove_resource_hints, on the site Forums:
The issue could be due to a plugin conflict. Could you provide the screenshot of… -
Committed [3015980] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [3015950] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [3015949] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [3015948] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [3015709] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [3013685] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [3013680] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [3001338] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2999140] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2998961] to Plugins SVN:
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Posted a reply to Throwing error 500, on the site Forums:
Hi,The issue is caused by this script in your website <script data-dont-merge>var xhr = new… -
Posted a reply to Plugin breaks Woocommerce checkout., on the site Forums:
Hi, The issue has been fixed in the latest version. Please update the plugin -
Committed [2965733] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2961967] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2961962] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2961919] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2961918] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2961915] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2961910] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2961908] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2961663] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2959909] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2956822] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2951458] to Plugins SVN:
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Posted a reply to Multi-Site support, on the site Forums:
yes -
Posted a reply to Fatal Errors, on the site Forums:
Hi, The issue has been fixed in the latest update -
Committed [2949281] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2948421] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2948171] to Plugins SVN:
icon updated -
Committed [2948170] to Plugins SVN:
icon updated -
Committed [2948121] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2943794] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2942878] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2942509] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2942507] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2931777] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2930580] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2930551] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2926100] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2926095] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2916681] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2916680] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2916628] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2916626] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2903455] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [2891778] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2891144] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated -
Committed [2871444] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt updated
AccessibilityPlus: Boost Accessibility & SEO Score for Lighthouse
Active Installs: 800+
Disable Google Fonts, Remove google fonts or Replace with Bunnyfonts
Active Installs: 900+
Easy Search Replace | Find Replace url | specific element | remove footer credit
Active Installs: 90+
Lazy load images, videos, iframes, convert to WebP & AVIF - EasyOptimizer
Active Installs: 100+
Local google fonts, host google fonts locally by Easyfonts
Active Installs: 600+