@doubelj on, @doublej on Slack
- Member Since: December 28th, 2011
- Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
- Website:
Contribution History
DoubelJ’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 4 strings on
Suggested 12 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 64 strings on
Suggested 81 strings on
Committed [1898821] to Plugins SVN:
Added Url attributes to the functions file. Added some extra info to ... -
Committed [1896339] to Plugins SVN:
Add URL for more -
Committed [1896321] to Plugins SVN:
bugfix source text -
Committed [1895337] to Plugins SVN:
tested up to 4.9 -
Committed [1895185] to Plugins SVN:
Added Tags folder 3.5 -
Committed [1895183] to Plugins SVN:
Improvement: Limit attribute: You can now set the ammount of services ... -
Committed [1796728] to Plugins SVN:
3.4 bug fix date rewrite typo -
Committed [1775290] to Plugins SVN:
New version, add remove description text -
Committed [1775283] to Plugins SVN:
Updated FAQ in readme.txt -
Committed [1775275] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 4.9 -
Committed [1775273] to Plugins SVN:
Version update, bug fix -
Committed [1645840] to Plugins SVN:
added shortcode attribute header -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Attributes werken niet, on the site Forums:
In de laatste update werkt het limit attribuut! Andere attributen werken niet, mogelijk in de… -
Posted a reply to Plugin haalt geen kerktijden op, on the site Forums:
Plugin is bijgewerkt, de basis werkt, als ik tijd heb zal ik dit in de… -
Committed [1645772] to Plugins SVN:
New version of the plugin. -
Posted a reply to Plugin haalt geen kerktijden op, on the site Forums:
Ik heb het gezien, ik heb ook een oplossing die ik nog moet verwerken. Ik… -
Posted a reply to multisite?, on the site Forums:
Sorry for the late answer, I didn't have time to test it. Now I have… -
Committed [1585112] to Plugins SVN:
Versions -
Committed [1585110] to Plugins SVN:
Somes text updates -
Posted a reply to Shortcode Attributes werken niet, on the site Forums:
Helaas werken de attributes (nog) niet, Dit komt omdat de data rechtstreeks vanaf wordt… -
Committed [1585083] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Helptext in plugin and readme file -
Committed [1585031] to Plugins SVN:
Tested WP 4.7.2 Fixed admin floating admin footer -
Committed [1584869] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 4.7.2 -
Committed [1332029] to Plugins SVN:
removed empty folder -
Committed [1332026] to Plugins SVN:
removed languages -
Committed [1332023] to Plugins SVN:
remove languages -
Committed [1332021] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Languages: ja_JP, nl_NL -
Committed [1332014] to Plugins SVN:
add mo files -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I am a plugin contributor for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
I had not much time yesterday. I've tried different things within the project, but did… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I am a plugin contributor for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
I've read the handbook. I understand the rules. There are few strings for this plugin,… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots I am a plugin contributor for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
For Show Dimensions in Library ( I have po files for #de-DE #fr-FR #it-IT #ja-JP… -
Committed [1331587] to Plugins SVN:
Add 1.5 tag -
Committed [1331586] to Plugins SVN:
Changed text domain for translation in WordPress PolyGlots -
Committed [1331583] to Plugins SVN:
update plugin info in plugin header -
Committed [1331570] to Plugins SVN:
updated FAQ info in readme.txt -
Wrote a new post, Hello Polyglots I am a plugin contributor for…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots! I am a plugin contributor for Show Dimensions in Library ( JaJaDi Kerktijden… -
Committed [1331336] to Plugins SVN:
tranlation posibility update -
Committed [1331233] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [1323239] to Plugins SVN:
Updated: Tested up to: 4.4.1 -
Committed [1145240] to Plugins SVN:
default option value was missing -
Committed [1145228] to Plugins SVN:
update version number -
Committed [1144352] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 4.2 -
Committed [984122] to Plugins SVN:
Update plugin link -
Committed [984109] to Plugins SVN:
Add tag 1.4
JaJaDi Kerktijden
Active Installs: 10+
JaJaDi Training
Active Installs: 10+
Show Dimensions in Library
Active Installs: 100+
BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin
Broken Link Checker
Bulk Watermark
ExactMetrics - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Plugin)
Exploit Scanner
hCard Widget for WordPress
JaJaDi Kerktijden
JaJaDi Training
Multisite Plugin Manager
Options Framework
Organizational Message Notifier
Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes - NextGEN Gallery
Regenerate Thumbnails
Rich Contact Widget
Right Now Reloaded
Show Dimensions in Library
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
Subscribe To Comments Reloaded
Superadmin Helper
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
The Events Calendar
Theme Check
Transparent Image Watermark
Twitter's Bootstrap Shortcodes Ultimate Add-on
Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
WordPress Beta Tester
WordPress MU Domain Mapping
WP Dashboard Notes
WP Document Revisions
WP Lipsum
WP Multi Network
WP Publication Archive
WP Robots Txt
WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate
Yoast SEO
Nederlands (Dutch) Plugins Translation Editor - #nl_NL
JaJaDi Kerktijden
Active Installs: 10+
Show Dimensions in Library
Active Installs: 100+