@dokeos on
- Member Since: May 11th, 2020
Contribution History
dokeos’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3035135] to Plugins SVN:
Update 0.6 - Support API pagination -
Committed [3035131] to Plugins SVN:
Update 0.6 - Support pagination -
Committed [2487747] to Plugins SVN:
payement update in 0.5 version -
Committed [2487746] to Plugins SVN:
0.5 avec readme -
Committed [2487744] to Plugins SVN:
version 0.5 -
Committed [2368329] to Plugins SVN:
Mise à jour de la version -
Committed [2368328] to Plugins SVN:
Mise à jour de la version -
Committed [2368325] to Plugins SVN:
Numéro de version à jour -
Committed [2368323] to Plugins SVN:
Ajout d'une vidéo youtube en lien. -
Committed [2368322] to Plugins SVN:
0.3 Débug du listing de produits woocommerce et lien vers vidéo youtube. -
Committed [2368319] to Plugins SVN:
0.3 Le listing n'affichais que 5 produits -
Committed [2314253] to Plugins SVN:
Banner and logo -
Committed [2314218] to Plugins SVN:
banner, logo and description -
Committed [2314217] to Plugins SVN:
Banner, logo and description -
Committed [2314215] to Plugins SVN:
Update banner, logo and description -
Committed [2314180] to Plugins SVN:
Tag: Version 0.1 -
Committed [2314179] to Plugins SVN:
Commit: Version 0.1
Dokeos LMS
Active Installs: 20+