@dmlihachev on
- Member Since: June 14th, 2016
Contribution History
dmlihachev’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1466188] to Plugins SVN:
readme update 2 -
Committed [1466150] to Plugins SVN:
readme change -
Committed [1448621] to Plugins SVN:
readme fix -
Committed [1444438] to Plugins SVN:
new banner-772x250.png, new icon-256x256.png, remove .idea dir -
Committed [1444426] to Plugins SVN:
27 minor changes -
Committed [1443022] to Plugins SVN:
minor typo -
Committed [1442540] to Plugins SVN:
minor readme -
Committed [1442532] to Plugins SVN:
assets -
Committed [1441138] to Plugins SVN:
desc changed -
Committed [1441134] to Plugins SVN:
minor fixes -
Released a new plugin, Gallery Face Groups
Committed [1441052] to Plugins SVN:
ver 01 -
Committed [1441041] to Plugins SVN:
initial release
Gallery Face Groups
Active Installs: 20+