@diyva on
- Member Since: October 30th, 2021
- Employer: DIYVA
Contribution History
diyva’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2636660] to Plugins SVN:
updated the readme file -
Committed [2636658] to Plugins SVN:
added the readme file -
Committed [2636657] to Plugins SVN:
delete the readme file -
Committed [2636656] to Plugins SVN:
plugin folder -
Committed [2636654] to Plugins SVN:
added the screenshot 4 -
Committed [2636653] to Plugins SVN:
added the screenshot 3 -
Committed [2636650] to Plugins SVN:
added the screenshot 2 -
Committed [2636649] to Plugins SVN:
added the screenshot 1 -
Committed [2636647] to Plugins SVN:
added the icon -
Committed [2636646] to Plugins SVN:
added the icon -
Committed [2636645] to Plugins SVN:
added banner -
Committed [2636644] to Plugins SVN:
added banner
DIYVA Voice Survey
Active Installs: Less than 10