Dimitris Mitsis
@dimitrism on WordPress.org, @dimitris.m on Slack
- Member Since: February 4th, 2015
- Location: Athens, Greece
- Website: wpforms.com
- Job Title: Development Manager at WPForms
- Employer: Awesome Motive
Contribution History
Dimitris Mitsis’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Committed [3225666] to Plugins SVN:
Pirate Forms 2.6.1 -
Committed [3219203] to Plugins SVN:
Pirate Forms 2.6.0 -
Committed [3201710] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.2.3 -
Committed [3191229] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.2.2 -
Committed [3183825] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.2.1 -
Committed [3174405] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.1.5 -
Committed [3174398] to Plugins SVN:
File Upload Types v1.5.0 -
Committed [3170663] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.1.4 -
Committed [3161479] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.1.3 -
Committed [3158924] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.1.2 -
Committed [3158302] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt -
Committed [3158184] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.1.1 -
Committed [3138194] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.0.3 -
Committed [3134910] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.0.2 -
Committed [3133749] to Plugins SVN:
Rollback release -
Committed [3132795] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.9.0.1 -
Committed [3119996] to Plugins SVN:
File Upload Types v1.4.0 -
Committed [3111575] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.9.5 -
Committed [3108618] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.9.4 -
Committed [3104646] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo in the readme -
Committed [3104643] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo in 1.8.8 changelog -
Committed [3103988] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.9.2 -
Committed [3091364] to Plugins SVN:
Updated assets -
Committed [3077484] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.8.2 -
Committed [3075634] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.8.2 -
Committed [3043142] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.7.2 -
Committed [3014654] to Plugins SVN:
v{WPForms Lite v1.8.5.4} -
Committed [3009474] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.5.3 -
Committed [3009473] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.5.2 -
Committed [3009468] to Plugins SVN:
v1.8.5.3 -
Committed [3009465] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.5.3 -
Committed [3002704] to Plugins SVN:
WPForms Lite v1.8.5.2 -
Mentioned in [56665] on Core SVN:
Administration: Switch order of label/checkbox in `WP_List_Table`. -
Created ticket #58703 on Core Trac:
wp-list-table: <label> is preceding <input> for the checkbox selecting ... -
Mentioned in [48064] on Core SVN:
Bundled Themes: Twenty Seventeen pagination links don't appear for home pages. -
Created a topic, Simple and perfect, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Title says it all -
Created ticket #42857 on Core Trac:
Warning for insecure browser is throwing PHP Warning when Site Language is ... -
Created ticket #39685 on Core Trac:
Twenty Seventeen: Pagination links don't appear for home pages -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Athens 2016