Pete (a11n)
@dilirity on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: May 7th, 2015
- Location: Varna, Bulgaria
- GitHub: dilirity
- Job Title: Software Engineer
- Employer: Automattic
Contribution History
Pete (a11n)’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to About page cache times and config.wp, on the site Forums:
Hey again! I no enabled the critical css, but Boost have one experimental feature Principal pages one… -
Posted a reply to About page cache times and config.wp, on the site Forums:
Hey there @guillermo77! I thnk I will put 1 week, bacause I no change the… -
Posted a reply to Failed to generate Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Found it, thank you! -
Posted a reply to Failed to generate Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for the information! This looks like a bug in Jetpack Boost.… -
Posted a reply to Failed to generate Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Hey there Mariko! Thank you very much for providing a link to the website! Until… -
Posted a reply to Title: CSS Editor Adding Unwanted Formatting & Layout Shift Issues Persist, on the site Forums:
Please forgive me for not providing all the information needed to help you. No problem… -
Posted a reply to Disable block inline CSS, on the site Forums:
Hi there! I added the Jetpack Slideshow to a test site, and it only added… -
Posted a reply to Title: CSS Editor Adding Unwanted Formatting & Layout Shift Issues Persist, on the site Forums:
Hello there @devin104! The Additional CSS editor keeps adding unwanted formatting/line breaks Layout shift problems… -
Posted a reply to Jetpack Boost: Speed ratings could not be loaded., on the site Forums:
Hey @boombatze! It appears you've stumbled on an error that shouldn't happen ): Apologies for… -
Posted a reply to Failure to create Critical css, on the site Forums:
Hey! I just checked and it appears that critical css generation is stuck for your… -
Posted a reply to Generic error when trying to set cache exceptions, on the site Forums:
Hello there @sareejoh! Can you open the browser console and see if there's an error… -
Posted a reply to Critical CSS fails to regenerate, on the site Forums:
Hello there. That error shouldn't happen and I would like to get to the bottom… -
Is the 56th person to arrive at WordCamp Sofia, Bulgaria 2024
Posted a reply to CSS, on the site Forums:
Happy to hear that! Feel free to reach out again if anything isn't working correctly.… -
Posted a reply to Outdated Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Hello there @susanna961 Thanks for the info. I can see that the last time you… -
Committed [3169237] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Posted a reply to Filter to intercept cached static HTML files, right before they are serverd., on the site Forums:
Hello there @wowlayers! Thank you for the code example and information about your setup. I… -
Committed [3158104] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [3157631] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [3145377] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Posted a reply to PHP Warning: Attempt to read property “taxonomy” on null, on the site Forums:
Hey @nicklee0309! The problem has been addressed here. We should be shipping out a Boost… -
Posted a reply to Different operating systems, on the site Forums:
For reference, the guidelines state: Posting private communication in the public forums or Slack. This… -
Posted a reply to Different operating systems, on the site Forums:
Hey @sterndata! The way I asked for the credentials is a standard procedure for the… -
Posted a reply to Different operating systems, on the site Forums:
Hey! The code you've provided in the screenshot should work! Though I see the button… -
Posted a reply to Different operating systems, on the site Forums:
Hey! WP Super Cache has a feature called "dynamic caching". You can find it under… -
Posted a reply to Failed to generate Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Great! I'm happy to hear that. I'm going to mark this as solved. Feel free… -
Posted a reply to Failed to generate Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
Hello there! Thank you so much for providing the site URL. I was able to… -
Committed [3115447] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Committed [3108019] to Plugins SVN:
Update stable tag -
Posted a reply to Jetpack Boost slows down the site tremendously, on the site Forums:
Hey @nazar78 just jumping in that we released 3.4.4 today. Could you try updating to… -
Created a topic, Front-end error after updating Jetpack Boost to 3.4.2, on the site Forums:
If you have a fatal error in the front-end of your web… -
Posted a reply to jetpack boost update took down my entire site!, on the site Forums:
@defoi hey! Thanks for the follow up. Happy to hear that! And thanks again for… -
Posted a reply to jetpack boost update took down my entire site!, on the site Forums:
Version 3.4.3 has been released. It addresses an incompatibility between the way WP Optimize's CSS… -
Posted a reply to jetpack boost update took down my entire site!, on the site Forums:
Quick update - we have identified the cause for this. A release with the fix… -
Posted a reply to jetpack boost update took down my entire site!, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the reply @defoi Could perhaps share your website URL as well? You can… -
Posted a reply to jetpack boost update took down my entire site!, on the site Forums:
Hello there! I really appreciate you taking the time to open a ticket. I want… -
Posted a reply to Plugin breaking global scope for some plugins, on the site Forums:
Closing this as the issue has been resolved. -
Posted a reply to Plugin breaking global scope for some plugins, on the site Forums:
Hey @moinmunna! This is great news - thank you! -
Posted a reply to Jetpack Boost Critical CSS failed to generate, on the site Forums:
@dvalilis thank you for the screenshot! Sorry to ask you again, but could you write… -
Posted a reply to Failed to generale critical CSS – Timeout, on the site Forums:
Hello there @claudiopisu! Can you make the screenshot visible? It currently requires access. -
Created a topic, Plugin breaking global scope for some plugins, on the site Forums:
This plugin is currently breaking Jetpack Boost's crit… -
Posted a reply to Failed to Generate CSS, on the site Forums:
@ivie hey! Do you recall if you were working across multiple tabs (for example, adding/editing… -
Posted a reply to Critical CSS, on the site Forums:
hey @studiose! After doing what @alinclamba suggested, could you also type CriticalCSSGenerator in the console… -
Posted a reply to Timed out while waiting for speed-score, on the site Forums:
Hey! Could you try disabling and enabling the plugin again? Hopefully that helps! -
Posted a reply to Preloading is scheduled multiple times, on the site Forums:
Hello there! I'm happy to hear that you managed to fix the problem. I'm marking… -
Posted a reply to Bug or Feature? Not sure, on the site Forums:
Hello there! You're absolutely right. The way we detect changes to Pages/Posts could be improved… -
Posted a reply to Warning: Attempt to read property “post_status” on null in …, on the site Forums:
I'm happy to hear that the problem disappeared! I'm marking this as resolved. Feel free… -
Posted a reply to Warning: Attempt to read property “post_status” on null in …, on the site Forums:
Hello there :) Does the warning message appear only when Boost is active? Can you… -
Posted a reply to Jetpack Boost Dashboard Score display issue, on the site Forums:
Hello there Piyush! The 403 error from the screenshot you provided indicates that there might… -
Posted a reply to Disabled “critical css”, still a “critical issue” in site health?, on the site Forums:
Hello there! Is this instead meant to be some sort of nag to enable the…
Jetpack Boost - Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS
Active Installs: 300,000+
WP Super Cache
Active Installs: 1+ million