Daniel Gilfoy
@dgilfoy on WordPress.org
- Member Since: November 23rd, 2010
- Location: Tacoma, WA
Contribution History
Daniel Gilfoy’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [647115] to Plugins SVN:
added html validation fixes -
Committed [631356] to Plugins SVN:
new version with a few more shortcodes atts, fixed a bug with the output ... -
Committed [631333] to Plugins SVN:
Set default to not show links to individual testimonials with option to ... -
Committed [630890] to Plugins SVN:
changed stable tag -
Committed [630884] to Plugins SVN:
removed ob remnants -
Committed [612969] to Plugins SVN:
Added new shortcode attritubes, fixed widget as well as a few bugs -
Committed [612862] to Plugins SVN:
pushing code cleanup, bug fixes and added features from github -
Committed [599085] to Plugins SVN:
removed debug that caused errors in IE, also removed the functionality ... -
Committed [589444] to Plugins SVN:
fixed link to support page (was pointing to page specific sidebars plugin ... -
Committed [589078] to Plugins SVN:
added assets folder -
Committed [589077] to Plugins SVN:
cleanup -
Committed [589076] to Plugins SVN:
added help page to trunk -
Committed [589058] to Plugins SVN:
adding the assets directory -
Committed [589057] to Plugins SVN:
added help page to development branch -
Committed [588939] to Plugins SVN:
adding development branch -
Committed [588497] to Plugins SVN:
added link to settings and help page for plugins page -
Committed [588461] to Plugins SVN:
fixed an issue with adding a single or specific posts -
Committed [587957] to Plugins SVN:
changed output to proper way -
Committed [562073] to Plugins SVN:
Added version number, oops -
Committed [562035] to Plugins SVN:
removed views folder, merged with assets -
Committed [562033] to Plugins SVN:
Updated correct readme file, removed incorrect one -
Committed [561951] to Plugins SVN:
Cleaned up settings page, added help -
Committed [556162] to Plugins SVN:
updated version to reflect change in features -
Committed [556161] to Plugins SVN:
Added orderby capabilities -
Committed [555628] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [554902] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Committed [554364] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to 3.3.2 - done -
Committed [554359] to Plugins SVN:
Added single post or mulitple specific posts - also updated some of the ... -
Committed [542073] to Plugins SVN:
forgot to add to the argument list, added the proper line -
Committed [542068] to Plugins SVN:
Added argument to shortcode to allow the user to override the default post ... -
Committed [519451] to Plugins SVN:
fixed issue with templates in theme directory not being linked -
Committed [511261] to Plugins SVN:
Readme.txt markup issue fix -
Committed [511252] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit -
Committed [509987] to Plugins SVN:
Add views folder -
Committed [509979] to Plugins SVN:
Moved 2.0 to the trunk -
Committed [509975] to Plugins SVN:
Added version 2.0 - features an option page for themes with sidebar names ... -
Committed [394758] to Plugins SVN:
Added author -
Committed [394757] to Plugins SVN:
Added author -
Committed [394744] to Plugins SVN:
updated the authors to include the company -
Committed [394620] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Committed [389544] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme to include screenshots -oops! -
Committed [389410] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshots -
Committed [388160] to Plugins SVN:
added the ability to pull home-page id for homepages with blog posts on ... -
Committed [388131] to Plugins SVN:
added readme.txt -
Committed [388109] to Plugins SVN:
Adding initial version of plugin -
Committed [377062] to Plugins SVN:
changed version number...again -
Committed [377057] to Plugins SVN:
changed version number... -
Committed [377049] to Plugins SVN:
edit to custom post types class -
Committed [377037] to Plugins SVN:
change to ivycat_announce -
Committed [377036] to Plugins SVN:
fixed conficted file issue
IvyCat AJAX Testimonials
Active Installs: 300+
WP jQuery Pager
Active Installs: 100+
Simple Page Specific Sidebars
Active Installs: 100+