Matias Mann
@developress on, @matiasmann on Slack
- Member Since: April 23rd, 2020
- Location: Argentina
Posted a reply to Automatic post slug from the_content if post has no title?, on the site Forums:
Hi @bixfrankonis I am sorry. It seems you need something very specific. You could set… -
Posted a reply to Mobile vs desktop layout, on the site Forums:
Great. Good job! Would you mind setting the issue as solved? Thanks! -
Posted a reply to plugin hover con titulo detrás de la imagen, on the site Foros de soporte:
Como poder, se puede, vas a tener que usar javascript para extraer esos datos. Plugins… -
Posted a reply to Api Rest con woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Probá agregar esta rewrite rule: RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L] -
Posted a reply to Mobile vs desktop layout, on the site Forums:
@jofp could you fix the issue? -
Posted a reply to Product designer plugin lets customers to add text on product images, on the site Forums:
Please mark the ticket as Solved! Thanks! -
Committed [2300389] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Posted a reply to Product designer plugin lets customers to add text on product images, on the site Forums:
It is possible, of course! You can ask the plugin developers or post a job… -
Posted a reply to Product designer plugin lets customers to add text on product images, on the site Forums:
Hi @tgberk, the example you provide in Casetify looks simple but it is not that… -
Posted a reply to plugin hover con titulo detrás de la imagen, on the site Foros de soporte:
Si, claro. Cuando subís la imagen a WordPress, se puede hacer todo desde la edición… -
Posted a reply to Pasarela de pago con bitcoins, on the site Foros de soporte:
Buen trabajo. ¿Podrías marcar el tema como solucionado? Gracias! -
Posted a reply to Api Rest con woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
¿Cómo tenés configurado el .htaccess? Seguro está relacionado con eso. -
Posted a reply to Probelmas con el personalizar wordpress, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @ibertraul , primero que todo desactiva los plugins y fijate si se arregla. Después… -
Posted a reply to Se puede integrar un foro con un buscador de vuelos ?, on the site Foros de soporte:
Podés crear la siguiente estructura: - Entradas de WordPress -> Son los nombres de las… -
Posted a reply to ¿Se os ocurre algún plugin?, on the site Foros de soporte:
@jraulmartinezh , probá con este Agreggator: Vas a tener que configurar pero debería andar… -
Posted a reply to Pasarela de pago con bitcoins, on the site Foros de soporte:
Probá con este plugin: No lo usé así que no puedo darte recomendaciones. Entiendo… -
Posted a reply to Rellenar un CPT de un plugin en el frontend, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @maty70 , ¿Tenés un link al sitio que estás desarrollando? Hay muchos plugins para… -
Posted a reply to Ocultar Productos por Zona, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @johanarodriguez, podrías crear una categoría Padre que y después Categorías para las subregiones. ¿Me… -
Posted a reply to Api Rest con woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @techimpulse ¿Podrías compartir el código que estás utilizando o aportar más datos sobre el… -
Posted a reply to Exportar y importar datos woocommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @juant82 , te paso dos opciones de plugins: 1) 2) Aclaración: no… -
Posted a reply to plugin hover con titulo detrás de la imagen, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @isabelgalvez , cuandó decís "titulo"¿Te referís al atributo titulo de la imagen? <img src="image.jpg"… -
Posted a reply to Estoy teniendo bastantes problemas con la adaptabilidad en distintos PC, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @godivecadiz , ¿Podrías enviar un print de pantalla? Probé en mi móvil y en… -
Posted a reply to Plugin para complementos de producto, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @jandroc4, WooCommerce tiene todo lo que necesitás: 1) Podés agregar varios productos y… -
Posted a reply to Pagos a cuotas Tarjetas de credito Paypal o Stripe, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @alexcitos19 ! Necesitás un plugin o escribir código, WooCommerce no ofrece esa opción por… -
Posted a reply to REST API / Media, on the site Forums:
I understand your concerns and I probably agree with you. I do not work for… -
Posted a reply to Help finding nonrestrictive themes?, on the site Forums:
Hi @thekingkrunk, the themes are meant to "put restrictions" on your site meaning that a… -
Posted a reply to El editor ha encontrado un error inesperado, on the site Forums:
Hola @ezequielabadie17 , ¿Podés poner un print del error para entender un poco mejor el… -
Posted a reply to Erro na instalação do Woo Commerce, on the site Forums:
Oi @acgfju ! Opções 1) Tente com Firefox em vez du Chrome. 2) Excluya ou… -
Posted a reply to REST API / Media, on the site Forums:
Hi @stilldreaming , this has already been discussed here: Short answer: Makes sense? -
Posted a reply to Automatic post slug from the_content if post has no title?, on the site Forums:
Hi, you can do that with a custom function. It is not recommended unless you… -
Created a topic, Muy buen tema, no pasa de moda., on the site Forums:
Ideal para instalar una child theme y configurar todo. -
Posted a reply to Adding comments to template, on the site Forums:
@ketanvyawahare, it will depend on how you implemented the code but something like this: //… -
Posted a reply to Help finding nonrestrictive themes?, on the site Forums:
Hi @thekingkrunk, welcome to WordPress! Good job so far. I would suggest starting out with… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
You cannot have a page with a slug "productos" and a rewrite rule for the… -
Posted a reply to eliminar texto INICIO , esta duplicado, on the site Forums:
Hola @infante46 , el texto "Inicio" es el título de la página. Tenés varias opciones:… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
Yes, it is related with the rewrite rule and the loop in your Bootstrap Tabs.… -
Committed [2293989] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release. -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
Since productos is not a page but a taxonomy archive, try this: <li class="nav-item <?php… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
Can you paste the whole menu code here? -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
It productos page a taxonomy page? Can you paste the header of that page? -
Posted a reply to I can’t find parts of my theme to make edits, on the site Forums:
Great @evantubbergen. Good job! I would suggest reading some of the WordPress docs and start… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
Are you using WordPress menus? -Try changing this: Productos - By this: Productos -
Posted a reply to Problem with Messed layout for a page after upgrading to latest 5.4, on the site Forums:
Hi @snippet24, about the menu redirects. Are you using custom links? If so, the link… -
Posted a reply to I can’t find parts of my theme to make edits, on the site Forums:
Welcome WordPress @evantubbergen, it seems that text is located in a Widget Area. You can… -
Posted a reply to Difficult time with add_editor_style, on the site Forums:
Good job @cramdesign ! Keep up the good work. -
Posted a reply to Author Picture not showing up on the post, on the site Forums:
Good to hear that @ramg1967! Keep up the good job. Close the ticket if you… -
Posted a reply to Archive page based on advanced custom field, on the site Forums:
Great to hear that! I would suggest always using built in WordPress functionality first, it… -
Posted a reply to Difficult time with add_editor_style, on the site Forums:
Hi @cramdesign, I feel your pain!, Try putting the type.css in the root folder of… -
Posted a reply to Archive page based on advanced custom field, on the site Forums:
Hi @s545422, please take a look at the template hierarchy docs: I would suggest… -
Posted a reply to Custom search with WP_Query, on the site Forums:
@alissoncouto, what are you trying to achieve? If you need a page listing all podcasts…