Posted a reply to editor_plugin_js Error in editor, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have the error since I upgraded to 6.1 :( -
Created a topic, Just cool!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Very nice, simple, super effective plugin. It would be… -
Created a topic, Perfectly invisible :), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
That sounds bad, but it is just that perfect. Set and … -
Created a topic, Very cool and usefull!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Helps a lot to develop and debug my own stuff! -
Created a topic, Reactivate it :), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Change line 26, where the data is downloaded, to: $re… -
Created a topic, Set and forget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great security at no trouble. Set and forget. -
Created a topic, Plain, simple, great!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Not much to say about it. It works like a charm. Set a… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It's confusing. Cleaned the chrome cache on one laptop. Album worked now. But, on other… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Oh, and to add, it has nothing to do with coordinates and maps after all… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
All did not do the trick. I created a new album and started to import… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ok, - ob_start() can be used. - It's not just a photo that fauils, but… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Asked for the function, wauting for an answer. Memory_limit local 256M master 128M Also… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Removed both widgets, they were there just for testing the images. I have no… -
Created a topic, Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display ha, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
When I click a thumbnail in one of my albums, I get er… -
Posted a reply to Wrong php version, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
You don't need to repeat yourself, I am not repeating anything. I just think it's… -
Posted a reply to Wrong php version, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I do see exactly that message, well... the dutch translation of it :) I am… -
Posted a reply to Wrong php version, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I tried to trace back the error message and apparently it came from one of… -
Posted a reply to Wrong php version, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Stange, because it only occurs when i try to activate this plugin. It will not… -
Created a topic, Wrong php version, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Recently I started loosing featured images. When I sto… -
Posted a reply to Google map zoom level., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Soooo cool! Thanks again! A small donation is on it''s way :) -
Posted a reply to How to text-link to an album?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ok, thanx. Will figure out how to work with it. Best regards, Peter -
Posted a reply to How to text-link to an album?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for both methods. They open the album in the post, which is cool to… -
Created a topic, How to text-link to an album?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I would like to be able to just "click here for th… -
Posted a reply to Google map zoom level., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you! -
Created a topic, Google map zoom level., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, After creating a new phot album, I noticed the zoo… -
Posted a reply to We’re sorry, you are not allowed to proceed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Never mind. I modified a plugin to use full paths, in stead of just the… -
Posted a reply to We’re sorry, you are not allowed to proceed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Oké, that does not help a lot. Since it works with wp cerber disabled, how… -
Created a topic, We’re sorry, you are not allowed to proceed, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, If I click "wandeling westerborkpad" on my site fr… -
Posted a reply to Change request Album Navigator widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Jacob, Sorry for the late respons, but that code works like a charm! Thank… -
Posted a reply to Change request Album Navigator widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, The album navigator widget appears on the right side of the main page at… -
Posted a reply to Change request Album Navigator widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Jacob, That in the right side bar is what I like, but how do… -
Created a topic, Change request Album Navigator widget, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Would it be possible to have the album navigator w… -
Posted a reply to get a blank site page after updating to 12.3.2, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry, did not realise that was already the fixed version. It works now, thanx! -
Posted a reply to get a blank site page after updating to 12.3.2, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Has this been fixed yet? I restored an older plugin, so it works for… -
Posted a reply to Plugin posts site’s header image on facebook, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
BTW... Jetpack seems to be able to do it correctly... -
Posted a reply to Plugin posts site’s header image on facebook, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
How did my page get malformed? I just run a standard wordpress site. I have… -
Created a topic, Plugin posts site’s header image on facebook, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, This plugin posts the header image of my site to f… -
Created a topic, ALTF plugin suddenly displays only header image, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Since a couple of days, the plugin will display the he…