

I have another site that I am also working on, and it is live, but I have a plethora πŸ™‚ of problems to fix. That’s a word that wouldn’t normally be in my vocabulary. I’m a pretty laid-back guy for the most part.
I am working on two others as well.

WordPress Origin Story

I have always avoided this section. However, I’m 66 yrs. old now, and as they say, shit happens, so I thought maybe since you were nice enough to invite me, the least I can do is tell you a real true story.
I met an old woman named Mrs. Ingrid, she was 86 when I met her, and she told me stories of her childhood in Sweden and how she came to this country by herself at 16 yrs of age.

Anyway, I rented a room from Mrs. Ingrid in 2010 while taking a few classes online at Lancaster Bible College. While taking my class one evening, I heard Mrs. Ingrid coming down the hall behind me.
I didn’t want to believe it was happening, but she was struggling to speak, and I knew she was having a stroke! I caught that old woman before she even got close to the floor. I put her in her recliner, gave her an aspirin, and dialed 911, pretty much all at the same time.

From talking with Mrs. Ingrid, I knew that all she wanted was to die at home in her bed. While I couldn’t promise her that, I offered to help her out as long as she needed me? Well, I figured I might be there a while, so I just thought since I spent $700 on a computer, I may as well learn how to use it. Now that wasn’t my WP day, but it didn’t take long from that point until I got ahold of something new, something that challenged me in more ways than one, something I liked and still do.

Now I’m going to skip ahead for time’s sake. I took care of Mrs. Ingrid for five years. In March of 2015, she passed at the age of 91. She was never a chore, always a joy to be around; she had more faith than anyone I’ve ever met.

Mrs. Ingrid always pushed me to study and told me I could do it if I put my mind to it. Now at that time, I was 56 years old, and you could put what I knew about computers and using them in a thimble!

To Be Continued

  • Member Since: March 17th, 2019
  • Location: Maryland, USA
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