
  • Member Since: September 20th, 2016
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  • Employer: Veziro
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  • Posted a reply to Leave at least 2 version details in the changelog, on the site Forums:
    Yet again, another huge update 9.3.0 hidden in the changelog by a quick fix 9.3.1.…

  • Created a topic, [Important] Leave at least 2 version details in the changelog, on the site Forums:
    Hello, As some versions are just quick fixes after …

  • Posted a reply to Freight Options missins, on the site Forums:
    Same issue for me, the latest version 1.7 is completely hiding the flat fee and…

  • Posted a reply to Warnings shown in the plugin settings/log page, on the site Forums:
    Hello @soupbowl Thank you for your reply, the site is a WooCommerce shop using Polylang…

  • Created a topic, Warnings shown in the plugin settings/log page, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this plugin, it's r…

  • Created a topic, Limit purchases to 1 item per order doesn’t seem to work if it’s a reorder, on the site Forums:
    Hello @woocommerce team, I'm trying to use the opti…

  • Created a topic, Mailjet direct API integration, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this plugin. Is it …

  • Posted a reply to Incompatible with ‘High-Performance order storage’ Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    @frile Can you please check if the module is HPOS compatible and latest version of…

  • Created a topic, Reply-to manual configuration, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thank you for developing this plugin ! I'…

  • Created a topic, Reply-to configuration, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thank you for developing this plugin, it is …

  • Posted a reply to How does this affect pageview tracking ?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your reply, Barry ! Yes, I've done some tests and it seems…

  • Created a topic, How does this affect pageview tracking ?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this plugin. I'v…

  • Posted a reply to Emitere factura odata cu plasarea comenzii, on the site Forums:
    Si noi incercam sa emitem factura automat, am pus chiar un modul sa treaca statusul…

  • Posted a reply to Latest version seems to block Google Ads conversion events, on the site Forums:
    Hello @jonkastonka I haven't read that FAQ because we as users of the plugin, we…

  • Created a topic, Latest version seems to block Google Ads conversion events, on the site Forums:
    Hello, First of all thank you for developing this p…

  • Created a topic, Polylang compatibility and a way to re-import content from a different KB, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am currently using PressApps Knowledge Bas…

  • Created a topic, Option to clean the DB after uninstall, on the site Forums:
    Currently if I'm uninstalling the plugin the settings …

  • Posted a reply to Set version tags in order to be able to revert to older versions, on the site Forums:
    Having the tags helps us debug faster an issue that can arise with an update,…

  • Created a topic, Set version tags in order to be able to revert to older versions, on the site Forums:
    Can you please add version tags to all releases in ord…

  • Posted a reply to fix load all product attributes when add an attribute, on the site Forums:
    Hi @bisratlearn Thank you and the WooCommerce team for the update, the fix is working…

  • Posted a reply to fix load all product attributes when add an attribute, on the site Forums:
    Having the same issue, there is a report on the official GitHub repository ,…

  • Created a topic, Simple and effective, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for developing this module, it works great a…

  • Created a topic, Erori in versiunea 1.2.4 care strica alte functii ale magazinului online, on the site Forums:
    In ultima versiune pluginul arunca tot felul de erori …

  • Created a topic, Ultima versiune v1.2.0 strica pagina de checkout, on the site Forums:
    Aparent ultima versiune 1.2.0 creaza noi campuri in fo…

  • Created a topic, Link a company to multiple user accounts, on the site Forums:
    To give you an example, some companies have multiple r…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot set event date to older than 5 years, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the repl, @abzlevelup. Editing the year doesn't actually do anything because it's reverting…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot set event date to older than 5 years, on the site Forums:
    Hello @abzlevelup Thank you for your reply. I've seen that there's a date range limitation…

  • Created a topic, Cannot set event date to older than 5 years, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this plugin, it is ve…

  • Created a topic, Access photos from other user accounts on an activated install, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this plugin. It is re…

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to create a classifieds website and a job board using this plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello, First of all, thank you for developing this pl…

  • Created a topic, Remove “Add to calendar” button only for past events, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for developing this great plugin. I…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    This is a great plugin with many advanced features, I'…

  • Posted a reply to Lost Google fonts with the latest theme updates, on the site Forums:
    There was only one entry : blocksy_google_fonts a:2:{s:11:"last_update";i:1631083747;s:5:"fonts";s:2:"[]";} And after deleting it, the customiser has…

  • Posted a reply to Lost Google fonts with the latest theme updates, on the site Forums:
    Hello @creativethemeshq Thank you for your reply, seems that WP didn't sent me a notification…

  • Posted a reply to Lost Google fonts with the latest theme updates, on the site Forums:
    Also tried to deactivate the theme(change it to the default one) and set it back,…

  • Created a topic, Lost Google fonts with the latest theme updates, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thank you for your great work with this theme.…

  • Created a topic, Les modules de Colissimo et de Relais Colis incompatibles, on the site Forums:
    Bonjour, J'ai voulu utiliser ce module de Colissimo e…

  • Posted a reply to Setting order to refunded doesn’t refund amount automatically, on the site Forums:
    Hello @simplysaru Thank you for your help. I had already found that documentation but it…

  • Created a topic, Setting order to refunded doesn’t refund amount automatically, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I'm trying to figure out a way to fully refund…

  • Created a topic, Not saving marker information if lat/long not set, on the site Forums:
    Hello, From what I can see the plugin is not saving t…

  • Created a topic, Adding Ajax locations filtering, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thank you for taking the time to develop thi…

  • Created a topic, Map on post page, on the site Forums:
    Hello and thank you for developing this module. Is th…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor update to 3.2.1, on the site Forums:
    Found a changelog on GitHub but the release on WP org seems to be a…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin removed, on the site Forums:
    Yet again, the plugin has been removed from the repository, what is happening with this…

  • Posted a reply to Latest version 2.41.1 is crashing the site, on the site Forums:
    Fix: /wp-content/plugins/simple-history/loggers/SimpleLogger.php Line 626 : esc_attr($ip_address), // 4 replace it with esc_attr($ip_address) // 4 You…

  • Created a topic, Latest version 2.41.1 is crashing the site, on the site Forums:
    Latest version has syntax error : Error Details =====…

  • Created a topic, Latest premium version is crashing the site, on the site Forums:
    Version 1.23.0 - has a bug PHP Parse error: syntax er…

  • Created a topic, Plugin removed, on the site Forums:
    Hello @hemsingh1, I have just seen that the plugin ha…
