
  • Member Since: December 4th, 2018
  • Find me on:
  • Committed [3042558] to Plugins SVN:
    Update plugin version.

  • Committed [3042553] to Plugins SVN:
    Update version.

  • Committed [3042550] to Plugins SVN:
    Fixed: Validate dni.

  • Created a topic, No Redirection, on the site Forums:
    Hello! When I redirect to another page I get a 404 err…

  • Created a topic, Required insert widget, on the site Forums:
    Hello, is there any way to make a widget be required t…

  • Created a topic, Auto-add image from custom taxonomy into group on publish, on the site Forums:
    Hello, how can I add the automatic group when I upload…

  • Posted a reply to Create public pages for group restoration to create and edit, on the site Forums:
    Hello Kento. I think this is what I was looking for and it can help…

  • Posted a reply to Create public pages for group restoration to create and edit, on the site Forums:
    Hello George, First, thank you very much for her response. My question is there is…

  • Created a topic, Override the_post, on the site Forums:
    Hola, I am trying to follow this solution which is p…

  • Created a topic, Create public pages for group restoration to create and edit, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am using the plugin to create groups and ea…

  • Posted a reply to No me funciona la validación, on the site Forums:
    Hola! En el shortcode no estás poniendo que tienes que validar. Mira de poner este:…

  • Posted a reply to Pongo un DNI y lo da como erróneo, on the site Forums:
    Hola, has probado de poner [identidad* identidad-vdni “cf-validate-dni” “cf-validate-nif” “cf-validate-cif” “cf-validate-nie”] Mira si este shortcode…

  • Created a topic, Mejoras plugin., on the site Forums:
    Hola, me gustaría saber que mejoras podría hacer al pl…

  • Committed [2742103] to Plugins SVN:
    Update to 1.3

  • Committed [2676268] to Plugins SVN:
    Update version Wordpress to 5.9

  • Posted a reply to Pongo un DNI y lo da como erróneo, on the site Forums:
    Hola, ¿Cómo puedo hacer una prueba del fallo que estás teniendo? Gracias,

  • Committed [2577867] to Plugins SVN:
    Update version to 1.2

  • Committed [2577858] to Plugins SVN:
    Fixed Traducción de textos.

  • Committed [2577022] to Plugins SVN:
    Nuevo Añadidas imágenes.

  • Committed [2577013] to Plugins SVN:
    Nuevo Añadida una etiqueta identidad

  • Committed [2577010] to Plugins SVN:
    Nuevo Añadida una etiqueta identidad

  • Posted a reply to SKU Template, on the site Forums:
    There is no solution for this problem?

  • Created a topic, SKU Template, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am developing a template to print the ticket,…