Accept Stripe Payments
Beeketing for WooCommerce - Marketing Automation to Boost Sales
Calculated Fields Form
Cool Timeline (Horizontal & Vertical Timeline)
Countdown Timer - Widget Countdown
Dynamic Widgets
Event Tickets and Registration
Five Star Restaurant Menu and Food Ordering
Five Star Restaurant Reservations - WordPress Booking Plugin
Formidable Forms - Contact Form Plugin, Survey, Quiz, Payment, Calculator Form & Custom Form Builder
Multisite Language Switcher
Photo Gallery, Sliders, Proofing and Themes - NextGEN Gallery
Popup Builder - Create highly converting, mobile friendly marketing popups.
Portfolio, Gallery, Product Catalog - Grid KIT Portfolio
Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin - Easy Pricing Tables
Product Gallery Slider, Additional Variation Images for WooCommerce
Registration, User Profile, Membership, Content Restriction, User Directory, and Frontend Post Submission – WP User Frontend
Slider, Gallery, and Carousel by MetaSlider - Image Slider, Video Slider
User Role Editor
WP Booking Calendar
WP Recipe Maker