Committed [2236101] to Plugins SVN:
Latest language updates. -
Committed [2236100] to Plugins SVN:
Latest version of language files -
Committed [2236084] to Plugins SVN:
Latest language file updates. -
Committed [1167100] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version tag. -
Committed [1167063] to Plugins SVN:
Added microdata support (in http://schema.org/GeoCoordinates format). -
Committed [1167049] to Plugins SVN:
Tested WordPress 4.2.2 compatibility -
Committed [1110624] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix: Removed "http:" from Google Maps API URL to avoid mixed content ... -
Committed [833292] to Plugins SVN:
Documentation updates -
Committed [833289] to Plugins SVN:
Documentation updates -
Committed [833287] to Plugins SVN:
Documentation updates -
Committed [809620] to Plugins SVN:
Added spanish language support. -
Committed [595607] to Plugins SVN:
Test submit. -
Committed [560172] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed file naming problem that caused an error in WordPress MU. -
Committed [482988] to Plugins SVN:
WordPress 1.3 compatibility. -
Committed [462164] to Plugins SVN:
Added Geo-Microformats. -
Committed [461531] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file. -
Committed [461513] to Plugins SVN:
Added display of map of geotagged location before/after/within the post. -
Committed [458334] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file. -
Committed [458330] to Plugins SVN:
Optimized example screenshots. -
Committed [458320] to Plugins SVN:
Adapted naming in some files to reflect newsfeed-support. -
Committed [458317] to Plugins SVN:
Adapted naming in some files to reflect newsfeed-support. -
Committed [458315] to Plugins SVN:
Restructured readme file. -
Committed [458308] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.1: Added geo-feed-tags. -
Committed [458278] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme to reflect new screenshot content. -
Committed [458275] to Plugins SVN:
Updated geopicker screenshot (now contains autolocate button). -
Committed [458096] to Plugins SVN:
Restructured readme file. -
Committed [458095] to Plugins SVN:
Updated screenshots. -
Committed [458094] to Plugins SVN:
Restructured readme file. -
Committed [458093] to Plugins SVN:
Restructured readme file. -
Committed [458088] to Plugins SVN:
Restructured readme file. -
Committed [458084] to Plugins SVN:
Added initial version.