Committed [3226228] to Plugins SVN:
Update und Bugfix -
Committed [3225634] to Plugins SVN:
Version Update -
Committed [3224787] to Plugins SVN:
Aktualisierte Uhrzeit in Fahrtfinder -
Committed [3224786] to Plugins SVN:
Version Update -
Committed [3224784] to Plugins SVN:
Remove .idea and tools from repository -
Committed [3224783] to Plugins SVN:
Remove .idea from repository -
Committed [3224778] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtfinder und Buchung -
Committed [3224777] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtfinder und Buchung -
Committed [3224776] to Plugins SVN:
Ignore multiple folders -
Committed [3222999] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtfinder und Buchung -
Committed [3222178] to Plugins SVN:
Update JS Libraries -
Committed [3221744] to Plugins SVN:
Update JS Libraries -
Committed [3218967] to Plugins SVN:
JSON LD Support -
Committed [3218955] to Plugins SVN:
JSON LD Support -
Committed [3218953] to Plugins SVN:
JSON LD Support -
Committed [3218217] to Plugins SVN:
Update und Bugfix -
Committed [3218213] to Plugins SVN:
Update und Bugfix -
Committed [3217901] to Plugins SVN:
Update und Bugfix -
Committed [3217718] to Plugins SVN:
Update CSS -
Committed [3217716] to Plugins SVN:
Update CSS -
Committed [3217654] to Plugins SVN:
Update CSS -
Committed [3217650] to Plugins SVN:
Update Wordpress Version, Updated Styles for Views -
Committed [3193910] to Plugins SVN:
Update php 8.3, Übergreifende Affiliate ID -
Committed [3186194] to Plugins SVN:
Einzelverkaufs-Ansicht der Artikel auch in Netto möglich -
Committed [3181522] to Plugins SVN:
Warenkorb kann mit target=_blank geöffnet werden -
Committed [3163174] to Plugins SVN:
Bilder Cache integriert -
Committed [3157944] to Plugins SVN:
Update Alert Call -
Committed [3153886] to Plugins SVN:
Update Affiliate Linking -
Committed [3153675] to Plugins SVN:
Update Affiliate Linking -
Committed [3146737] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix Onlineshopmodul -
Committed [3146732] to Plugins SVN:
Neues Viewmodul "Onlineshop". Aktualisiertes Warenkorbsymbol -
Committed [3129282] to Plugins SVN:
Update Booking Plugin -
Committed [3113015] to Plugins SVN:
Update Booking Plugin -
Committed [3112667] to Plugins SVN:
Update Booking Plugin, Fahrtenliste -
Committed [3111816] to Plugins SVN:
Update Booking Plugin, Fahrtenliste -
Committed [3108459] to Plugins SVN:
Update Timetable Booking list -
Committed [3106675] to Plugins SVN:
Update Timetable Booking list -
Committed [3106513] to Plugins SVN:
Update Timetable Booking Target -
Committed [3105805] to Plugins SVN:
Update Timetable Target -
Committed [3105803] to Plugins SVN:
Möglichkeit, aus Eventliste die Buchung auf lokaler Seite zu öffnen, ... -
Committed [3104909] to Plugins SVN:
Update integrierte Buchungsmaske -
Committed [3104635] to Plugins SVN:
Optimierung Fahrtfinder -
Committed [3104320] to Plugins SVN:
Optimierung integrierte Buchungsmaske -
Committed [3104315] to Plugins SVN:
Optimierung integrierte Buchungsmaske -
Committed [3103390] to Plugins SVN:
Timetable als strukturierte Daten verfügbar -
Committed [3102801] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtenliste Timetable, Suche nach Ressource möglich -
Committed [3099255] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtenliste Timetable . Optimierte Detailansicht -
Committed [3097473] to Plugins SVN:
Erfolgsmeldung bei hinzugefügter Buchung auf der Seite -
Committed [3096818] to Plugins SVN:
Update Buchungskomponente -
Committed [3096709] to Plugins SVN:
Update Fahrtenliste mit Signets und Monatsauswahl
Bookyt Vermietsoftware
Active Installs: 10+
Travelmanager Buchungssoftware
Active Installs: 30+