@crispress on
- Member Since: February 14th, 2016
Contribution History
crispress’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, WordPress database error The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows, on the site Forums:
I went through all the settings, so I can't say why / … -
Posted a reply to Deactivated – Activated – Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
I tried a lot of things with the database, nothing helped. I think WordFence could… -
Posted a reply to WordFence Alerts Critical for Vulenrability, on the site Forums:
How frustrating that must be. Dealing with big companies is often a pain... Thanks for… -
Created a topic, Deactivated – Activated – Fatal Error, on the site Forums:
What happend? - I used WF before, but had to deactivat… -
Created a topic, Funktioniert prima, on the site Forums:
Alles gut, es gibt nix zu meckern. :) -
Posted a reply to RUN AWAY, on the site Forums:
I guess: Under "URL", there is "Visit", to visit the URL. Unter "Content", there is… -
Created a topic, Does not work with Simple History, on the site Forums:
Great functionality, but activated, it prevents Simple… -
Posted a reply to Subscription Status for guests, on the site Forums:
By email address, if the Cookie holds it. Or: An input field for an email… -
Posted a reply to Missing Opt In for Cookie, on the site Forums:
Solved, thank you. -
Created a topic, Missing Opt In for Cookie, on the site Forums:
In contrast to the native WP comment form, the wpDiscu… -
Created a topic, Subscription Status for guests, on the site Forums:
It would be nice if the visitor (guest role) could see… -
Created a topic, Bell Symbol too unclear – “Spam” issue, on the site Forums:
The bell symbol for the notification option is way too… -
Created a topic, After Subscribing: Blank Page, on the site Forums:
After sending the subscription form, successfully, the… -
Created a topic, No Facebook Sharing Button, on the site Forums:
I only want Sharing buttons, no social media tracking … -
Created a topic, Line breaks ( and tags) in email templates, on the site Forums:
Line breaks (<p> and <b> tags) in email te… -
Posted a reply to Simple History PlugIn Compatibility, on the site Forums:
Thanks, but I already have in this forum an account, and don't see why deeper… -
Created a topic, No Email: Sent to, on the site Forums:
I get mailer demon notifications about bounced emails,… -
Posted a reply to Simple History PlugIn Compatibility, on the site Forums:
Seems I can't upload images here, but not neccessary: Click on Dashboard. Click on "Simple… -
Created a topic, Simple History PlugIn Compatibility, on the site Forums:
When I activate wpDiscuz, the Simple History Plugin do… -
Created a topic, Requires Images?, on the site Forums:
It seems it isn't possible to display a "pure HTML" ba… -
Posted a reply to Facebook Unknown Error, on the site Forums:
I forgot: I just tried again because version 3.4.5 mention changes regarding the token issue.… -
Posted a reply to Facebook Unknown Error, on the site Forums:
This topic isn't resolved. I think it's possible that I'm doing it wrong on FB.… -
Posted a reply to Facebook Unknown Error, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much, Rene. Without the token I do get the "Your website exceeded… -
Created a topic, Facebook Unknown Error, on the site Forums:
Tried for hours and can't get it to work. I've created… -
Created a topic, Non-tracking “Follow” and “Like” buttons?, on the site Forums:
It seems it isn't possible to have them - I found only… -
Created a topic, Click on Subscribe scrolls to the top (Fixed Menu Header), on the site Forums:
Hi, I have the button implemented via shortcode (FB, T… -
Created a topic, Change menu-switch behavior?, on the site Forums:
It would be nice if it could change the standard behav… -
Posted a reply to Database growing with table revisions, on the site Forums:
Thanks, Tobias. The post_type is always "revision" if it's a revision of any other post… -
Posted a reply to DB wordpresspostmeta growing a lot, on the site Forums:
Thanks, Jason. The meta keys always start with response/ or request_headers|xxxxx. No need to look… -
Created a topic, DB wordpresspostmeta growing a lot, on the site Forums:
I'm digging in my database becaue it has become unusua… -
Created a topic, Database growing with table revisions, on the site Forums:
I've digged around (with Adminer) in the database... I… -
Created a topic, Themes with Fixed Bars, on the site Forums:
I'm using the WP 4.7.x default Theme Twenty Seventeen … -
Posted a reply to #comments anchor | Recent Comments, on the site Forums:
The best thing: It even works! ;) Thank you very much! :) I just did… -
Posted a reply to Two kind of links not tracked, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much, Jason. I'm not sure if I understand fully. If that "do… -
Posted a reply to Two kind of links not tracked, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I'm using 4.5.2 and they are not recorded. -
Posted a reply to Changelog missing, on the site Forums:
I have this issue currently with many plugins. It because the common inline dialogs in… -
Created a topic, No Blacklist – it’s easy to spam unlimited, on the site Forums:
I can put in someone's email, send, annoy him, and the… -
Created a topic, Group Bug – confirmation emails to all groups…, on the site Forums:
When there's a user in the DB, confirmed or not, and h… -
Posted a reply to Two kind of links not tracked, on the site Forums:
Any news on this? I've installed PrettyLink 2, toyed again with settings, not recorded. The… -
Posted a reply to Deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the good explanation. I think it's best then to stay close to the… -
Posted a reply to Updates? Alternatives?, on the site Forums:
Thanks, that sounds good! I will try it when the new release comes. Forgive me,… -
Created a topic, No Subscriber Blacklist??, on the site Forums:
It seems MailPoet has no blacklist for email addresses… -
Created a topic, Critical file changes not recognized by scan, on the site Forums:
I'm using WF 6.3.0. 1) The scan doesn't recognize cha… -
Created a topic, Updates? Alternatives?, on the site Forums:
This is a great plugin, and so far the only one I foun… -
Posted a reply to Deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar, on the site Forums:
@raamdev: Is the "subscription key" always the email address, or could this be an ID… -
Created a topic, Deutsche Übersetzung verfügbar, on the site Forums:
For english readers: This is about how to install the … -
Posted a reply to Import from StCR, on the site Forums:
Ok, I had too much changes in the templates already, I ended up creating them… -
Posted a reply to Change language dropdowns, on the site Forums:
I see, thanks. I've spend this afternoon to translate all strings which are visible to… -
Created a topic, Import from StCR, on the site Forums:
Hi, I've imported successfully from StCR. Then I saw "… -
Posted a reply to Change language dropdowns, on the site Forums:
Coming from StCR, which doesn't work in WP 4.7.1. I like what I see, but…