@conversios on, @Conversios on Slack
- Member Since: July 29th, 2021
- Website:
Contribution History
Conversios’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Translated 19 strings on
Translated 11 strings on
Committed [3032632] to Plugins SVN:
Readme change -
Committed [3032313] to Plugins SVN:
7.0.0 Release -
Suggested 8 strings on
Suggested 70 strings on
Committed [3015054] to Plugins SVN:
6.9.1 tag updated -
Committed [3014677] to Plugins SVN:
readme change -
Committed [3014633] to Plugins SVN:
readme change -
Committed [2915612] to Plugins SVN:
read me update -
Committed [2915584] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots update -
Committed [2914688] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [2860852] to Plugins SVN:
new product feed release v1.0.3 -
Committed [2853521] to Plugins SVN:
wp master plugin release v5.2.5 -
Committed [2850883] to Plugins SVN:
wp master plugin release v5.2.4 -
Committed [2849789] to Plugins SVN:
product feed new release version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2848967] to Plugins SVN:
updating readme file -
Committed [2848953] to Plugins SVN:
adding screenshots in the product detail page and updated readme file -
Committed [2848943] to Plugins SVN:
adding second banner -
Committed [2848940] to Plugins SVN:
renaming banner -
Committed [2848929] to Plugins SVN:
renaming banners -
Committed [2848925] to Plugins SVN:
adding icons -
Committed [2848921] to Plugins SVN:
First release product feed manager for woocommerce v1.0.0
Conversios: Google Analytics GA4, Google Ads, GTM & Multiple Pixel Tracking
Active Installs: 20,000+
Server Side Tagging via Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce (GTM Server Side)
Active Installs: Less than 10