Conal Mullan
@conalmullan on
- Member Since: July 17th, 2015
- Employer: Digital Samba
Contribution History
Conal Mullan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2887684] to Plugins SVN:
-image update -
Committed [2886432] to Plugins SVN:
-another screenshot -
Committed [2886425] to Plugins SVN:
-image update -
Committed [2886416] to Plugins SVN:
-image update -
Committed [2886411] to Plugins SVN:
-image update -
Committed [2886309] to Plugins SVN:
-banner update -
Committed [2885229] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885226] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885225] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885224] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885220] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885215] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885213] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885212] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885211] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885207] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885205] to Plugins SVN:
-readme & screenshot update -
Committed [2885204] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885202] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885200] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2885154] to Plugins SVN:
-readme update -
Committed [2884173] to Plugins SVN:
-added screenshots -
Committed [2884165] to Plugins SVN:
-adding screenshot-1.png -
Committed [2884159] to Plugins SVN:
updated tags -
Committed [2884155] to Plugins SVN:
-icon update -
Committed [2884153] to Plugins SVN:
fixed name in readme -
Committed [2884150] to Plugins SVN:
updated svg icon -
Committed [2884141] to Plugins SVN:
update -
Committed [2884138] to Plugins SVN:
rev3 update -
Committed [2884134] to Plugins SVN:
updated to v6 -
Committed [2884132] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version
Digital Samba Embedded Video Conferencing
Active Installs: 10+